Next-generation sequencing (NGS) findings of the primary lung tumor tissue samples (A and B). (A) EGFR L747P point mutation located in terminal hydrophobic center of β chain of N terminal in kinase domain. (B) Heterozygotic polymorphism was found in genes of ADH1B H48R, ALDH2 E457K, CDA K27Q, CYP2D6 P34S, CYP3A5 CYP3A5*3, DPYD I543V, MTHFR A222V, NQO1 P187S, TP53 P72R, and XRCC1 Q399R. Homozygous polymorphism was found in genes of EGFR R521K and ERCC1N118N. Homozygous deletion polymorphism was found in genes of GSTT1 and TYMS -6bp/-6bp. Other gene mutations were found in MSH6 Y850X phylogenetic truncation mutation, and point mutation of RB1 c.G265-1T and TP53 V216M.