Table 4. Characteristics of patients who developed feeding jejunostomy-related bowel obstruction and their treatment details.
Case | Gender | Age | Operative method in esophagectomy | Abdominal approach | Complication after esophagectomy | Durationa (days) | Operative findings | Operative procedure |
1 | Male | 68 | Thoracoscopy | HALS | Vocal code palsy | 243 | Occlusion | Release of occlusion |
2 | Male | 74 | Thoracoscopy | HALS | Ileus with enteritis | 191 | Torsion | Release of torsion |
3 | Male | 70 | Thoracoscopy | HALS | None | 281 | Occlusion | Release of occlusion |
a, duration between esophagectomy and onset of bowel obstruction. HALS, Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery.