Dilutions of the indicated cells were spotted onto (A) YPD containing H2O2 or (B) synthetic medium with CuSO4. A cat1Δ catalase deletion served as a control as it is highly sensitive to oxidative stress, but grew to wild type levels on CuSO4 media. Conversely, the known copper-sensitive mutant cup1Δ crp1Δ grew well on H2O2, but failed to grow on either CuSO4 concentration. Hog1 pathway strains pbs2Δ, sskΔ 2, and hog1Δ all displayed sensitivity to increasing concentrations of both H2O2 and CuSO4, as did pil1Δ lsp1Δ. sur7Δ was inhibited by copper but grew similar to wild type on H2O2 media. Images are representative of two independent experiments performed on different days. Strains used were wild type, DIC185, sur7Δ (YJA11), pil1Δ lsp1Δ (YHXW21-1), ssk2Δ (YLD185-7), pbs2Δ (YLD197-1), hog1Δ (YLD184-3), cat1Δ (MT505-A), and cup1Δ crp1Δ (KC25).