Extended Data Figure 10: Elevated glycolytic flux does not phenocopy complex III inhibition in regulatory T cells.
a, Venn diagram displaying overlap of differentially expressed genes (adj. p<.01) from Treg cells (CD4+ Foxp3-YFP+ CD25+) isolated from 8-to-12-week-old RISP chimeric KO and RISP chimeric WT mice Treg cells (CD4+ Foxp3-YFP+ CD25+) verses Treg cells overexpressing GLUT1 isolated from adult animals. P values were calculated using hypergeometric similarity measure. b, Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) of Treg (CD4+ Foxp3-YFP+ CD25+) cells treated with 1μM Piericidin, 500μM 3-NPA, or 1μM antimycin A for 4 hours. Data represent mean ± SD and were analyzed 1-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s test for multiple comparisons (*adj-p<.05 **adj-p˂.01, respectively; specific p-values displayed in supplemental source data). All data points on graphs represent individual animals isolated and analyzed on at least 2 separate days.