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. 2019 Jan 24;9:605. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-36867-2

Table 1.

Sampling sites characteristics.

Sample pH pH class Org C (%) P (mg/L) Org C Class Bulk density Total C(%) Total N(%) FAO texture class Land Use Climatic zone k-mean clusters
DMK_2 4.92 <5 0.99 135.44 <2% 1.149 1.63 0.995 C Grass Atlantic 1
DMK_5 6.01 5 to 7 1.08 151.94 <2% 1.456 1.36 1.08 C Arable Atlantic 1
FRA_1 5.36 5 to 7 0.59 43.60 <2% 1.489 0.794 0.594 M Arable Atlantic 1
FRA_2 5.44 5 to 7 4.18 30.45 2–15% 0.748 4.56 4.18 M Grass Atlantic 1
FRA_4 6.29 5 to 7 0.45 109.75 <2% 1.573 0.577 0.45 C Arable Atlantic 1
FRA_17 5.41 5 to 7 2.79 129.06 2–15% 0.99 2.4 2.79 C Forestry Atlantic 1
FRA_18 5.33 5 to 7 4.4 23.90 2–15% 0.897 5.02 4.4 M Forestry Atlantic 1
FRA_19 4.92 <5 4.26 12.32 2–15% 0.799 4.38 4.26 M Forestry Atlantic 1
FRA_20 6.69 5 to 7 1.24 92.34 <2% 1.283 1.48 1.24 M Arable Atlantic 1
GER_1 6.5 5 to 7 2.89 451.46 2–15% na 4.2 2.89 C Arable Atlantic 1
GER_10 4.63 <5 3.66 15.24 2–15% 0.89 5.06 3.66 C Forestry Continental 1
IRE_1 5.81 5 to 7 1.95 56.40 <2% 1.364 2.51 1.95 M Grass Atlantic 1
IRE_2 6.59 5 to 7 2.03 48.05 2–15% 1.411 2.35 2.03 M Grass Atlantic 1
IRE_3 7.63 >7 1.5 56.67 <2% 1.273 1.84 1.5 M Arable Atlantic 1
IRE_4 7.75 >7 1.89 108.81 <2% 1.363 3.73 1.89 M Arable Atlantic 1
IRE_5 5.46 5 to 7 3.95 52.08 2–15% 0.935 4.66 3.95 M Grass Atlantic 1
IRE_6 7.55 >7 2.06 145.47 2–15% 0.848 2.24 2.06 C Arable Atlantic 1
ITA_1 5.2 5 to 7 4.77 26.32 2–15% 0.95 5.6 4.77 F Grass Alpine 1
NLD_1 7.8 >7 3.02 166.35 2–15% 1.341 3.71 3.02 F Arable Atlantic 1
NLD_2 8.13 >7 1.14 94.73 <2% 1.474 2.4 1.14 M Arable Atlantic 1
SWZ_1 6 5 to 7 3.42 314.31 2–15% 1.11 4.03 3.42 M Grass Alpine 1
SWZ_4 7.78 >7 3.17 27.33 2–15% 1.028 4.5 3.17 F Arable Alpine 1
UKM_2 7.52 >7 3.17 237.58 2–15% 0.983 3.71 3.17 M Arable Atlantic 1
UKM_5 4.31 <5 2.73 10.14 2–15% 1.024 3.24 2.73 C Forestry Atlantic 1
UKM_6 7.01 >7 3.78 98.26 2–15% na 5.03 3.78 M Grass Atlantic 1
UKM_8 5.31 5 to 7 1.9 61.00 <2% 0.87 3.22 1.9 C Grass Atlantic 1
UKM_10 5.58 5 to 7 3.06 31.28 2–15% 0.92 3.95 3.06 C Grass Atlantic 1
FRA_3 5.19 5 to 7 5.54 197.31 2–15% 0.714 6.54 5.54 M Grass Atlantic 2
FRA_7 5.15 5 to 7 7.41 55.87 2–15% 0.824 9.49 7.41 M Grass Continental 2
FRA_8 5.35 5 to 7 5.13 41.03 2–15% 0.909 6.14 5.13 M Grass Continental 2
FRA_12 8.05 >7 2.19 22.99 2–15% 1.451 6.61 2.19 F Arable Continental 2
FRA_13 6.89 5 to 7 7.61 71.00 2–15% 0.778 8.09 7.61 F Grass Continental 2
GER_3 7.47 >7 8.89 70.81 2–15% na 9.1 8.89 F Grass Continental 2
GER_4 7.36 >7 11.3 14.44 2–15% na 12 11.3 F Forestry Continental 2
GER_8 7.42 >7 5.66 177.65 2–15% na 6.13 5.66 F Grass Continental 2
GER_9 3.96 <5 18.6 16.93 >15% 0.301 16.1 18.6 M Forestry Continental 2
SLO_1 7.24 >7 9.49 77.23 2–15% 0.719 10.7 9.49 M Grass Alpine 2
SLO_2 6 5 to 7 6.17 6.77 2–15% 0.789 6.9 6.17 F Grass Alpine 2
SLO_3 7.65 >7 11.3 36.00 2–15% 0.77 12.5 11.3 M Grass Alpine 2
SLO_5 7.08 >7 15.9 18.58 >15% 0.425 15.9 15.9 F Forestry Alpine 2
SWE_4 3.7 <5 8.21 135.45 2–15% 0.209 9.89 8.21 M Forestry Continental 2
SWE_5 4.03 <5 9.46 90.76 2–15% na 10.6 9.46 M Forestry Alpine 2
SWZ_2 5.14 5 to 7 6.56 60.12 2–15% 0.756 7.54 6.56 F Grass Alpine 2
SWZ_3 6.54 5 to 7 5.81 101.63 2–15% 0.835 6.78 5.81 F Grass Alpine 2
SWZ_5 5.5 5 to 7 5.04 196.62 2–15% 0.899 6.26 5.04 M Grass Alpine 2
UKM_1 6.62 5 to 7 7.15 21.57 2–15% 0.82 7.29 7.15 F Forestry Atlantic 2
UKM_3 7.42 >7 8.48 22.64 2–15% 0.694 9.7 8.48 F Grass Atlantic 2
UKM_7 7.68 >7 5.37 99.35 2–15% 0.729 8.27 5.37 F Arable Atlantic 2
UKM_9 7.31 >7 7.8 136.82 2–15% 0.779 8.79 7.8 F Grass Atlantic 2
UKM_12 7.52 >7 6.73 26.89 2–15% 0.787 9.05 6.73 F Grass Atlantic 2
UKM_13 5.12 5 to 7 5.51 24.26 2–15% 0.684 6.83 5.51 M Grass Atlantic 2
DMK_1 4.48 <5 16.5 52.92 >15% na 23.8 16.5 Org Forestry Atlantic 3
FRA_16 5.15 5 to 7 19 36.51 >15% 0.477 20.1 19 Org Grass Continental 3
SWE_3 3.97 <5 32.1 77.02 >15% 0.271 31.5 32.1 Org Forestry Boreal 3
SWE_7 3.93 <5 31.4 169.09 >15% na 33 31.4 Org Forestry Boreal 3
DMK_3 6.03 5 to 7 1.59 386.06 <2% 1.246 2.02 1.59 C Arable Continental 4
DMK_4 7.88 >7 1.01 36.66 <2% 1.336 1.38 1.01 M Arable Continental 4
FRA_5 7.84 >7 2.32 24.13 2–15% 1.081 2.72 2.32 VF Arable Atlantic 4
FRA_9 5.75 5 to 7 2.14 244.71 2–15% 0.978 2.4 2.14 M Arable Continental 4
FRA_10 8.23 >7 1.72 3.64 <2% 1.43 6.06 1.72 MF Arable Mediterranean 4
FRA_11 7.55 >7 1.73 48.44 <2% 1.237 2.17 1.73 M Grass Mediterranean 4
FRA_14 6.54 5 to 7 2 34.78 2–15% 1.171 2.26 2 F Arable Continental 4
FRA_15 7.55 >7 2.33 35.10 2–15% 1.274 2.87 2.33 F Grass Continental 4
GER_6 6.95 5 to 7 1.55 126.87 <2% 1.221 1.87 1.55 M Arable Continental 4
GER_12 6.37 5 to 7 3.58 17.13 2–15% na 4.31 3.96 MF Grass Continental 4
GER_13 6.79 5 to 7 2.03 96.40 2–15% 1.069 2.23 2.03 M Arable Continental 4
ITA_3 6.4 5 to 7 1.24 17.87 <2% 1.328 1.37 1.24 MF Grass Continental 4
ITA_4 7.01 >7 1.53 57.22 <2% 1.568 1.84 1.53 M Arable Continental 4
ITA_7 7.35 >7 2.29 316.01 2–15% 1.218 2.94 2.29 M Arable Continental 4
POR_2 5.16 5 to 7 1.36 69.49 <2% 1.009 1.73 1.36 M Forestry Mediterranean 4
POR_4 6.1 5 to 7 0.83 31.45 <2% 1.493 1.19 0.833 M Arable Mediterranean 4

The texture classes are Coarse (C), Medium (M), Medium-Fine (MF), Fine (F), Very Fine (VF), and Organic (Org). The following abbreviations have been used: Org C, Organic carbon; Org C Class, Organic C class; P, phosphrous; Total C, total carbon; Total N, total nitrogen. The last column corresponds to the k-mean classification of the different soils based on their physicochemical characteristics and land use type. The sampling sites for which soil properties were missing have not been included in the K mean classification and are presented as nd (not determined).