Figure 4.
Expression of DN EGFR does not affect recruitment of leukocytes or impair transmigration of leukocytes into the brain. (a) Mice were infected with 30 ME49 tissue cysts and euthanized 7 days after infection. Uninfected mice were used as controls. (a) The numbers of BMNC that were CD11b+, CD11c+, CD45+ F4/80− Gr-1+ (neutrophils), CD3+ CD4+ or CD3+ CD8+ were determined using flow cytometry. (b,c) Mice were injected with CFSE i.v. 5 days after infection with ME49 tissue cysts. Uninfected mice injected with CFSE were used as controls. Expression of CFSE on CD11b+ and CD11c+ cells was examined in BMNC isolated 2 days after CFSE injection. (b) Gate to identify cells that stained with CFSE was obtained using BMNC of mice that were not injected with CFSE. Dot plots represent data obtained from representative uninfected and infected Trg-Ctr mice. Numbers shown in dot plots represent the percentages of either CD11b+ cells or CD11c+ cells that were CFSE+ or CFSE−. (c) Bar graph shows mean ± SEM of percentages of CD11b+ and CD11c+ cells that were CFSE+ in infected Trg-Ctr and Trg-DN EGFR mice. Total numbers of BMNC per mouse and the percentages of CD11b+ or CD11c+ cells were similar between infected Trg-Ctr and infected Trg-DN EGFR mice. Bars are mean ± SEM of 9 samples per group pooled from 2 independent experiments.