LRP8 is required for colony formation and has tumorigenic properties. TNBC cells were transfected with one of the two siRNAs against LRP8 (#2 and #3: orange and red, respectively) or with a control siRNA (black). A, Colony formation assay on plastic. Cells were transfected and transferred to six‐well plates, in which they were cultured for 10‐15 d, until colonies formed. The number of colonies is expressed as a percentage relative to that for cells treated with control siRNA (graphs). The data shown are means ± SD from three independent experiments. A representative image of one well is also shown for all conditions. B, Transfected HCC70 and MDA‐MB‐468 cells (HCC38 cells do not form colonies in this assay) were embedded in agar medium. One month later, the colonies formed were stained with MTT, photographed, and counted. Colony counts are expressed as a percentage relative to the number of colonies obtained with cells treated with control siRNA (graph). Data are expressed as means ± SD, for triplicate measurements from three independent experiments. A representative image of one well is shown for all conditions. The P values were determined in Student's t test (comparison with control siRNA): ***P < 0.001