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. 2018 Dec 26;6(1):ofy353. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofy353

Table 2.

Base Case Results for Screening and Linkage to Care Strategies, by Population

Strategy, by Populationa Cost, USDb Incremental Cost, USDc QALYs Incremental QALYsc ICER, USD/QALYd
Asian and Pacific Islanders
 No intervention 3902 23.780
 Vaccination only 4001 99 23.787 0.007 13 397
 Treatment only 5360 1359 23.853 0.066 Extended dominated
 Inclusive 5361 1 23.861 0.007 18 378
Africa-born black population
 No intervention 4928 23.551
 Vaccination only 5024 96 23.559 0.009 11 086
 Inclusive 6676 1652 23.653 0.094 17 645
 Treatment only 6739 63 23.646 –0.007 Dominated
Incarcerated persons
 Vaccination only 999 24.415
 No intervention 1105 106 24.365 –0.050 Dominated
 Inclusive 1321 322 24.432 0.017 18 922
 Treatment only 1446 125 24.382 –0.050 Dominated
Refugee population
 No intervention 3183 23.934
 Vaccination only 3278 95 23.944 0.010 9453
 Inclusive 4716 1438 24.021 0.078 18 465
 Treatment only 4746 29 24.011 –0.010 Dominated
People who inject drugs
 No intervention 6924 23.070
 Vaccination only 6974 50 23.078 0.008 6438
 Inclusive 6999 24 23.079 0.001 25 551
 Treatment only 7016 18 23.071 –0.008 Dominated
Men who have sex with men
 No intervention 1354 24.325
 Vaccination only 1361 8 24.336 0.011 695
 Inclusive 1626 264 24.349 0.014 19 052
 Treatment only 1637 11 24.338 –0.011 Dominated

Abbreviations: ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALYs, quality-adjusted life-years; USD, US dollar.

aStrategies are listed in order of total cost per patient for a given population.

bTotal health care costs are per person.

cIncremental health care costs and QALYs are per strategy compared with the preceeding intervention.

dIncremental ratios are the difference between costs divided by the QALYs of an intervention compared with the preceeding intervention.