Table 1. Information requested on the questionnaire.
Group of items | Name variable | Description item | Response options | Recoding of data by authors |
Demographics | Gender | Gender of the participant. | Male; Female | - |
Age | Age in years. | Open field | - | |
Height | Height of the participant. | Open field | Height and body mass reported in feet/inches and pounds were converted to cm and kg, respectively. | |
Body Mass | Body mass of the participant. | Open field | ||
BMI | Body Mass Index. | - | BMI was determined using the self-reported height and body mass. | |
Country | Current country of residence of the participant. | Open field | Country was recoded as Spain, France, Brazil, and others. | |
Continent | Current continent of residence of the participant. | Africa; Asia; Europe: North America; South America; Antarctica; Australia | Continent was recoded as Europe, South America, and others. | |
Race/ethnicity | Race/ethnicity of the participant. | White/Caucasian; Middle Eastern; Black/African; American Indian/Alaska Native; Asian/Indian; Latino/Hispanic; South American; Other | - | |
Characteristics of cycling profile within the last 12 months | Bike to work | If they use a bicycle to commute to work. | Yes; No | - |
Cycling frequency | Frequency of cycling in rides per week. | Open field | - | |
Volume hours | Weekly volume of cycling in hours. | Open field | - | |
Volume km | Mileage of cycling per week. | Open field | - | |
Total volume km | Total weekly volume of cycling using also the km to commute to work. | Open field | - | |
Experience | Cycling experience in years of training. | Open field | - | |
Speed | Average cycling speed during training sessions in km/h. | Open field | - | |
Modality | Type of cycling modality. | Road; Mountain bike; Triathlon; BMX; Open field | - | |
Purpose | Cycling purpose. | Professional competition; Recreational competition; Recreational without competition | - | |
Terrain | Terrain more often faced during cycling. | Road; Trail; Open field | - | |
Coach | If they have professional support (e.g. coach) for their cycling training. | Yes; No | - | |
Smartphone | If they use a smartphone application to assist cycling training regime/schedule. | Yes; No | - | |
Characteristics of fitness training within the last 12 months | Core training | If they complement cycling with core training. | Yes; No | - |
Flexibility training | If they complement cycling with flexibility training. | Yes; No | - | |
Strength training | If they complement cycling with strength training/weight lifting. | Yes; No | - | |
Sport | If they complement cycling with other sport or training. | Yes and which (open field); No | Sports listed were running, swimming, team sport, racquet sport, gym sport, and walking sport (for each variable the answers were yes or no). | |
Bike characteristics and cycling posture about the most used bike | Bikes owned | Number of bicycles owned. | Open field | Bikes was recoded as 1 and >1. |
Size | If when they bought their bicycle receive instructions regarding selecting the correct size. | Yes; No | - | |
Maintenance | If when they bought their bicycle receive instructions regarding maintenance. | Yes; No | - | |
Quality | Which is the quality that they consider that have their bike. | Low-end; Mid-range; High-end | - | |
Suspension | If the bike has a suspension system. | Front suspension; Rear suspension; Full suspension; No | - | |
Chain-ring | Kind of chain-ring. This item was supported with an image. | Circular; Non-circular; IDK | - | |
Objective posture | Most important aspect for them regarding their cycling position. | Maximum performance; Maximum comfort; Balance between both | - | |
Crank arm | Size of crank arm. | 170; 172.5; 175; Open field; IDK | Crank arm was recoded as correct, not correct and IDK. For this recodification, because the inseam length is very correlated with the height and it is considered the 45% of the height [21–23], inseam length was calculated and compared with the suggested proposal of crank assignation of Geoff Drake [24], where 165 is appropriate for inseams length <73.5 cm, 170 for inseams lengths between 73.5–81.5 cm, 172.5 for inseam lengths between 81.5 and 86.5 cm, and 175 for inseams lengths >86.5 cm. | |
Cycling shoes | If they wear cycling shoes. | Yes; No | - | |
Cleats | How they adjust their cleats. | Adjusted by respondent; Adjusted by professional; Not adjusted; Not use cleats | - | |
Aerobars | If they use aerobars. This item was supported with an image. | Yes; No | - | |
Body comfort | Classification of their body comfort during cycling. | Very comfortable; Comfortable; Uncomfortable; Very uncomfortable | Body comfort and Saddle comfort were recoded as discomfort reported (yes/no) for statistical models | |
Saddle comfort | Classification of their saddle comfort during cycling. | Very comfortable; Comfortable; Uncomfortable; Very uncomfortable | ||
Pain | Pain during cycling | If they experience pain during cycling practice and in which body areas. | No; Neck; Shoulder; Upper back; Arm; Hand; Lower back; Hip; Genital area; Anterior thigh; Posterior thigh; Knee; Leg; Ankle; Foot | Pain during cycling and pain while not cycling were recoded as reported pain (yes/no) for the statistical models. The pain areas were analyzed separately. |
Pain while not cycling | If they experience pain while not cycling and in which body areas. | Same responses as Pain during practice | ||
Injuries in the last 12 months. If the participant had more than 4 injuries in the last 12 months, they were instructed to provide information about the most recent 4. |
Injuries | Number of injuries. | 0; 1; 2; 3; 4 and more | Number of injuries was recoded for statistical models as injured/not injured |
Region injury | Body region of each injury. | Same regions as Pain practice | - | |
Diagnosis injury | Diagnosis of each injury. | Sprain/strain; Contusion/abrasion; Concussion; Fracture/stress fracture; Inflammatory conditions; Muscle ruptures and micro-ruptures; Laceration; Other (open field) | The category of “degenerative injuries” was included in diagnosis after review the responses of participants. | |
Cause injury | Perception of the cause of each injury. | Fall; Contact with vehicle; Contact with other bicyclist; Contact with pedestrian; Contact with stand-still Structure; Incorrect posture; Incorrect pedaling technique; Overuse/fatigue; Playing another sport; Unknown; Other (open field) | - | |
Medical leave | If the injury produced a medical leave. | Yes; No | - | |
Surgery | If the injury required a surgical intervention. | Yes; No | - | |
Recovery | The duration of recovery time for each injury. | <1 day; 1 day to <1 week; 1 week to <2 weeks; 2 weeks to <1 month; 1 month to <3 months; ≥3 months | - |
IDK: I don´t know.