(A–C). Norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5HT), or dopamine (DA) was applied to receptive fields of touch-dome afferents in ex vivo skin-nerve recordings. Receptive fields of touch-dome afferents were identified by FM1–43 fluorescence and then preparations were flipped dermis-side up for receptive-field perfusion. A. Left, neurotransmitter-evoked action potentials. Right, comparison of touch-evoked and neurotransmitter-evoked spike waveforms. Black bar indicates perfusion of 5-mM neurotransmitter (10 min). B. Total spikes evoked by each neurotransmitter at 0.1 mM, 1.0 mM or 5.0 mM (two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc, †P<0.0001; nNE=8 units, 8 mice; n5HT=9 units, 9 mice; nDA=4 units, 4 mice; lines, medians). C. Agonist-response relationship of NE-evoked spikes in Merkel-cell afferents (mean±SEM; EC50=2.5 mM; R2=0.89; n=11 units, 9 mice).