Calretinin and Pax2 expression in tissue from a Tac1Cre mouse that had received an intraspinal injection of AAV.flex.eGFP. (A) Part of lamina II within the injected region of the dorsal horn, showing eGFP (green) in Tac1-positive cells. (B, C) The same field scanned to reveal calretinin (red) and Pax2 (blue). (D) The merged image shows that some Pax2-negative/eGFP-positive (excitatory Tac1) cells are calretinin-immunoreactive, and two of these are marked with arrows. A single Pax2-positive/eGFP-positive (inhibitory Tac1) cell is present, and this is also calretinin-immunoreactive (arrowhead). The double arrowhead shows an example of a calretinin-immunoreactive cell that is negative for eGFP and Pax2. Images are projections of 4 optical sections at 1-μm z-spacing. Scale bar = 50 μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)