Figure 6.
Relationship between PHAL-labeled PVT axon terminals and CaMKIIa-immunopositive elements in BL. (a-c) Three examples of PHAL-positive PVT axon terminals (PHAL-t) forming asymmetric synapses with dendritic spines that emerge from CaMKIIa-immunopositive dendritic profiles (CaMKII+d). Synapses in b and c are also shown at high magnification (d,e). (f, g) Two examples of PHAL-positive PVT axon terminals (PHAL-t) forming asymmetric synapses with CaMKIIa-immunopositive dendritic profiles. These synapses are shown at a higher magnification (i,k). (h) Example of a PHAL-positive PVT axon terminal (PHAL-t) forming an asymmetric synapse with CaMKIIa-immunonegative dendritic profile (CaMKII– d). This synapse is shown at a higher magnification (j). Scale bar in c also applies to a, b f, g, h. Scale bar in d also applies to e. Scale bar in i also applies to j.