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. 2019 Jan 21;9(1):e023916. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023916

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of the participants stratified by hypertension

Characteristic Group Hypertension
Number of subjects (%)
χ2 P value OR 95% CI
No Yes
Number of subjects 13 087 (67.4) 6320 (32.6)
Sex Male 5742 (63.0) 3376 (37.0) 155.787 <0.001 1.000
Female 7345 (71.4) 2944 (28.6) 0.682 (0.642 to 0.724)
Age 18–44 6608 (83.3) 1323 (16.7) 1181.906 <0.001 1.000
45–59 4722 (61.5) 2953 (38.5) 3.124 (2.898 to 3.366)
60–79 1757 (46.2) 2044 (53.8) 5.811 (5.327 to 6.338)
Education Elementary 3509 (60.6) 2280 (39.4) 282.324 <0.001 1.000
Junior 3779 (67.5) 1821 (32.5) 0.742 (0.687 to 0.801)
Senior 3408 (68.8) 1544 (31.2) 0.697 (0.644 to 0.755)
University 2391 (78.0) 675 (22.0) 0.434 (0.393 to 0.480)
Marital status Married 11 201 (66.7) 5581 (33.3) 366.705 <0.001 1.000
Unmarried 1157 (87.5) 165 (12.5) 0.286 (0.242 to 0.338)
Separated/divorced 251 (69.5) 110 (30.5) 0.880 (0.701 to 1.103)
Widowed 478 (50.7) 464 (49.3) 1.948 (1.708 to 2.222)
Occupation Manual labour 6159 (67.3) 2988 (32.7) 417.761 <0.001 1.000
Mental labour 4634 (74.9) 1551 (25.1) 0.688 (0.640 to 0.739)
Unemployed 1107 (61.2) 702 (38.8) 1.303 (1.174 to 1.446)
Retired 1187 (52.6) 1069 (47.4) 1.850 (1.685 to 2.031)
Income (RMB) <1000 5026 (63.2) 2923 (36.8) 118.706 <0.001 1.000
1000–3000 6641 (69.7) 2884 (30.3) 0.747 (0.701 to 0.795)
>3000 1420 (73.5) 513 (26.5) 0.621 (0.556 to 0.694)
Smoking Never 8293 (69.9) 3579 (30.1) 145.176 <0.001 1.000
Yes 3930 (65.8) 2040 (34.2) 1.203 (1.126 to 1.285)
Ever 864 (55.2) 701 (44.8) 1.880 (1.689 to 2.092)
Drinking No 9306 (69.8) 4034 (30.2) 105.100 <0.001 1.000
Yes 3781 (62.3) 2286 (37.7) 1.395 (1.309 to 1.487)
Salt intake Moderate 4748 (70.7) 1972 (29.3) 50.369 <0.001 1.000
High salt 4784 (65.2) 2548 (34.8) 1.282 (1.194 to 1.3777)
Light 3555 (66.4) 1800 (33.6) 1.219 (1.128 to 1.317)
Physical exercise Never 6298 (69.6) 2754 (30.4) 283.246 <0.001 1.000
Frequently 3430 (59.1) 2370 (40.9) 1.580 (1.475 to 1.693)
Occasionally 3359 (73.7) 1196 (26.3) 0.814 (0.752 to 0.882)
BMI Normal weight 6727 (76.2) 2105 (23.8) 1063.588 <0.001 1.000
Underweight 752 (88.9) 94 (11.1) 0.359 (0.288 to 0.446)
Overweight 4211 (61.5) 2639 (38.5) 2.172 (2.034 to 2.318)
Obese 1397 (48.5) 1482 (51.5) 3.142 (2.787 to 3.542)
Sleep duration <7 hours/day 4480 (63.0) 2626 (37.0) 103.575 <0.001 1.000
7–8 hours/day 3415 (68.8) 1549 (31.2) 1.292 (1.197 to 1.396)
>8 hours/day 5192 (70.8) 2145 (29.2) 0.911 (0.842 to 0.985)