Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of the MYB-related (1R-MYB) and atypical MYB subfamilies of jujube and Arabidopsis, and conserved motif and gene structure analysis of MYB-related and atypical MYB subfamily proteins of jujube.
(A) Phylogenetic tree of the MYB proteins of jujube and Arabidopsis. The sequences of the 58 MYB-related and nine atypical MYB proteins of jujube with the 60 MYB-related and six atypical MYB proteins of Arabidopsis were aligned by ClustalW, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using MEGA 4. The small white triangles represent the 67 jujube MYB proteins and the small black triangles represent the 66 Arabidopsis MYB proteins. The names of each group are marked by English letters with Arabic numbers. (B) Distributions of conserved motifs in ZjMYB genes. The motifs of numbers 1–15 are indicated in different colored boxes. The sequence information of the motifs is provided in Table S3. (C) The exon–intron structure of jujube MYB genes. The yellow boxes and black lines indicate exons and introns, respectively. The green boxes at the two ends of the sequences indicate upstream and downstream regions, respectively. The MYB domains are highlighted by red boxes.