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. 2019 Jan 21;9:2422. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02422

Table 1.

Measurement type used to assess victim blame and situational components featured in studies included in review.

Study Blame measure Situational components
Abrams et al. (2003) study 1 Blame and fault F, R
Abrams et al. (2003) study 2 Blame and fault F, R
Abrams et al. (2003) study 3 Blame and fault F, R
Ayala et al. (2015) Blame and responsibility F, R
Bell et al. (1994) Blame and responsibility Assailant occupation
Ben-David and Schneider (2005) Responsibility F, R
Bieneck and Krahé (2011) Blame A, F, R
Black and Gold (2008) Responsibility F, R, assailant occupation
Blumberg and Lester (1991) Blame F, R
Bongiorno et al. (2016) Blame F, R, RA
Branscombe et al. (1996), study 1 Blame F, R
Branscombe et al. (1996), study 2 Blame F, R
Calhoun et al. (1976) Fault SH
Cameron and Stritzke (2003) Blame and responsibility A, R
Casarella-Espinoza (2015) Blame and responsibility A, RA
Cassidy and Hurrell (1995) Responsibility AP, R
Coller and Resick (1987) Blame and responsibility A, R
D’Cruz and Kanekar (1992) Fault Victim willingness to go to police
Droogendyk and Wright (2014) Blame and responsibility AB
Dupuis and Clay (2013) Responsibility SH, F, R, RA
Ferrão et al. (2016) Responsibility AP, F, R
Frese et al. (2004) Responsibility A, AP, F
Ford et al. (1998) Blame and responsibility A, SH, F, R
George and Martinez (2002) Blame and responsibility F, R
Gerdes et al. (1988) Blame AP, F, R
Gilmartin-Zena (1983) Responsibility SH, R
Girard and Senn (2008) study 1 Blame A, D
Girard and Senn (2008) study 2 Blame A, D
Gravelin et al. (2017) study 2 Blame A
Hammock and Richardson (1997) Responsibility A, F, R
Hammond et al. (2011) Responsibility SH, F, R
Harbottle (2015) Responsibility SH, F, R
Howells et al. (1984) Blame SH
Idsis and Edoute (2017) Responsibility A, SH, F, R
Janoff-Bulman et al. (1985) study 2 Blame A
Johnson (1994) Responsibility SH
Johnson (1995) Blame SH
Johnson and Jackson (1988) Responsibility F, R
Johnson et al. (1995) study 2 Responsibility F, R
Johnson et al. (1989) Responsibility F, R
Johnson et al. (2016) Responsibility A, F, R, SH
Kanekar and Nazareth (1988) Fault SH, physical harm and emotional disturbance after the assault
Kanekar and Seksaria (1993) Fault SH, F, R
Kanekar et al. (1991) study 1 Fault Assailant and victim occupation, victim’s willingness to go to police
Kanekar et al. (1991) study 3 Fault Victim’s marital status
Kanekar et al. (1991) study 5 Fault F, R
Kerr and Kurtz (1977) Blame SH, F, R
Klippenstine et al. (2007) Blame and responsibility A, F, R, SH
Kopper (1996) Blame and responsibility F, R
Krahé et al. (2007) study 1 Blame F, R
Krahé et al. (2007) study 2 Blame A, F, R
Lambert and Raichle (2000) study 1 Blame and responsibility A, R
Lambert and Raichle (2000)study 2 Blame and responsibility A, R
Landström et al. (2016) Blame, fault, and responsibility A, F, R
Masser et al. (2010) Blame and fault F, R
Maurer and Robinson (2008) Responsibility F, R
McCaul et al. (1990) study 1 Blame F
McCaul et al. (1990) study 2 Blame and responsibility F
McKimmie et al., 2014 Blame F, R
Miller et al. (2012) Blame and responsibility A, AP
Muehlenhard and MacNaughton (1988) Responsibility AP, SH, F, R
Munsch and Willer (2012) Responsibility A, R
Nario-Redmond and Branscombe (1996), study 1 Blame F, R
Nario-Redmond and Branscombe (1996), study 2 Blame F, R
Ong and Ward (1999) Fault F, R
Pederson and Strömwall (2013) Blame F, R
Persson et al. (2018) Blame F, R
Pugh (1983) Blame A, AP, SH, F, R
Qi et al. (2016) Fault A, D, F, R
Richardson and Campbell (1982) Blame and responsibility A, R
Root (1993) Blame AB
Romero-Sánchez et al. (2012) Study 1 Blame A, F, R
Romero-Sánchez et al. (2012) Study 2 Blame A, F, R, victim sexual attraction
Schuller et al. (2010) Blame F, R, Victim emotionality, gender stereotypicality
Schuller and Wall (1998) Blame and responsibility A, F, R
Scronce and Corcoran (1995) Responsibility A, F, R, attempted or completed rape
Shotland and Goodstein (1983) Blame and responsibility AP, F, R
Simonson and Subich (1999) Responsibility F, R
Sims et al. (2007) Responsibility A, R
Sommer et al. (2016) Blame and responsibility F, R, SH
Smith et al. (1976) Responsibility SH, F, R
Spencer (2016) Blame F, R, victim occupation
Stahl et al. (2010) study 1 Blame A, AP, F, R
Stahl et al. (2010) study 2 Blame A, AP, F, R
Starfelt et al. (2015) Blame A, F, R
Stormo et al. (1997) Blame and responsibility A, F, R
Strömwall et al. (2013) Blame F, R
Stuart et al. (2016) Blame and fault F, R, victim emotionality
Tetreault and Barnett (1987) Responsibility F, R
Van Den Bos and Maas (2009) study 1 Blame AB
Varelas and Foley (1998) Responsibility F, R, RA
Viki and Abrams (2002) Blame SH
Wall and Schuller (2002) Blame and responsibility A, F, R
Whatley and Riggio (1992) Responsibility A, AP
Wiener and Vodanovich (1986) Responsibility F, R, assailant criminal history
Willis (1992) Responsibility RA
Wooten (1980) Responsibility R
Workman and Orr (1996) Responsibility AP, F, R
Wyer et al. (1985) Responsibility F, R
Yamawaki (2007) Blame F, R
Yamawaki and Tschanz (2005) Blame F, R
Yamawaki et al. (2007) Blame F, R, assailant occupation

= full scenarios obtained. Blame is typically measured as how much the victim is to blame for her assault (rated on a scale with endpoints such as “not at all” to “to a great extent/completely;” responsibility is typically measured as a percentage of responsibility assigned to the involved parties; fault is typically measured as how much the victim is at fault for what happened rated on a scale with endpoints such as “not at all” to “very much/extremely). Abbreviations used to depict which of the following components were present and/or manipulated in scenario(s) for each study; A, Alcohol; D, Drugs; AP, Appearance; SH, Sexual history/actions; F, Force; R, Resistance; RA, victim and/or assailant race/ethnicity; AB, Scenario details absent.