Fig. 2.
Examination of cytokine expression in maternal hypothalamus/preoptic area at various time-points throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period. There was a significant treatment by condition interaction in the expression of IL-1β, IL-6, and CD11b (IL-1β: F5,82 = 2.614, p = 0.030; IL-6: F5,82 = 2.822; p = 0.021; CD11b: F5,82 = 2.368; p = 0.047; ABC). Specifically, IL-1β gene expression following the LPS challenge in the HyPoA is significantly attenuated during pregnancy at both E11, E22, P0, and P9 compared to non-pregnant controls (E11: p = 0.038; E22: p = 0.001; P0: p = 0.005; P9: p = 0.002; A). IL-6 gene expression is attenuated following LPS treatment at E11, P2, and P9 compared to non-pregnant controls (E11: p = 0.008, P0: p = 0.001, P9: p = 0.001; B). There was a significant attenuation in CD11b gene expression following LPS during postpartum days P0 and P9 compared to LPS treated animals on day E22 (P0: p = 0.023, P9: 0.038; C). n = 7–8 rats per group. Condition × Treatment interaction: groups that do not share any capital letters are considered significantly significant (p < 0.05).