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. 2019 Jan 22;13:1179554918825450. doi: 10.1177/1179554918825450

Table 4.

Predictive factors of NASH in non-tumoural parenchyma.

Characteristics NASH (N = 15)
Total P, univariate analysis P, multivariate analysis OR [95% CI]
No. % No. %
 Yes 29 78.4 8 21.6 37
 No 101 93.5 7 6.5 108 .02 NR
 Yes 10 76.9 3 23.1 13
 No 121 91.0 12 9.0 133 .13
Arterial hypertension
 Yes 56 86.2 9 13.8 65
 No 75 92.6 6 7.4 81 .20
Body mass index
 ⩽25 kg/m² 70 97.2 2 2.8 72
 >25 kg/m² 62 82.7 13 17.3 75 .004 .004 10.0 [2.1-47.5]
Chemotherapy with irinotecan
 Yes 75 85.2 13 14.8 88
 No 57 96.6 2 3.4 59 .03 .01 7.3 [1.5-34.7]
Chemotherapy with oxaliplatin
 Yes 63 96.9 2 3.1 65
 No 69 84.1 13 15.9 82 .01
Number of cycles
 ⩽8 67 88.2 9 11.8 76
 >8 65 91.5 6 8.5 71 .50
Pre-operative GGT
 ⩽1N 67 93.1 5 6.9 72
 >1N 49 86 8 14 57 .045 NR
Pre-operative bilirubin
 ⩽1N 89 93.7 6 6.3 95
 >1N 8 80 2 20 10 .033 NR

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; GGT, gamma-glutamyltransferase; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; NR, not retained at multivariate analysis; OR, odds ratio.