Schematic of the signaling pathway implicated in VIDD development. Endotoxin-
or hyperoxia-induced augmentation of mechanical stretch-mediated ROS
generation and diaphragm injury are associated with diaphragm proteolysis,
apoptosis, mitochondrial dysfunction, autophagy, as well as activation of
the caspase-3, calpain, and ubiquitin–proteasome pathways. Diaphragm
weakness can be attenuated by administering iPSCs, antioxidants,
theophylline, levosimendan, or rapamycin, or through partial support MV or
diaphragm pacing through PI3K/Akt, Src, and TLR4 pathway inhibition. Akt:
serine/threonine kinase/protein kinase B; Bax: Bcl2-associated X; Bim:
Bcl2-interacting mediator; Bnip3: Bcl-2 nineteen-kilodalton interacting
protein 3; FoxO1: Class O of forkhead box1; iPSCs: Induced pluripotent stem
cells; LC3: light chain 3; mTOR: mammalian target of rapamycin; MuRF-1:
muscle ring finger-1; NADPH: nicotinamine adenine dinucleotide phosphate;
NF-κB: nuclear factor kappa B; PI3-K: phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase; ROS:
reactive oxygen species; TLR4: toll-like receptor 4; VIDD:
ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction. (A color version of this figure is
available in the online journal.)