Fig. 5.
Cd2+-induced SOD1 oxidation is modulated by Zn2+and MT levels. Schematic drawing of the proposed mechanism of SOD1 oxidation as a function of Cd2+, Zn2+ and MTs. Left panel: when SOD1 is not overexpressed, Zn2+ (cyan) is displaced by Cd2+ (grey) and activates MTF-1 (green), which strongly induces MTs expression; the high levels of MTs contribute to restore the cellular redox balance by sequestering Cd2+. Centre panel: when SOD1 is overexpressed, it sequesters the Zn2+ displaced by Cd2+ causing a decreased MTs induction; Cd2+ is not efficiently sequestered by MTs and causes redox imbalance, leading to SOD1 oxidation. Right panel: when excess Zn2+ is supplemented, overexpressed SOD1 is metallated and the strong induction of MTs is restored, thus preventing SOD1 oxidation.