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. 2019 Jan 28;14(1):e0210644. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210644

Table 1. Summary of included studies.

Study Age BMI Modality Energy expenditure Duration MICT group HIIT group
n Intensity Time(min) Frequency n High intensity Recovery intensity Time(min) Frequency
Schjerve et al.[23] 46.9 36.7 walking and running H<M 12w 13 60–70% HRmax 47 3/w 14 4×4-min 85–95% HRmax 3 min 50–60% HRmax 28 3/w
Moreira et al.[24] 40 28.3 cycle H = M 12w 8 10% lower than IAT 60 3/w 8 2 min intensity was 20% above IAT 1 min 20% lower than IAT 60 3/w
Sijie et al.[25] 19.8 27.7 walking and jogging H = M 12w 16 50% VO2max 40 5/w 17 5×3 min 85% VO2max 3 min 50% VO2max 30 5/w
Keating et al.[26] 41.8 28.2 cycle ? 12w 13 65% VO2peak 45 3/w 13 6×60s 120% VO2peak 120s low intensity 18 3/w
Lunt et al.-1[27] 48.2 32.1 walking and jogging H = M 12w 7 65–75% HRmax 33 3/w 9 4×4-min 85–95% HRmax 3 min 65–75% HRmax 28 3/w
Lunt et al.-2[27] 50.3 32.4 walking and jogging ? 12w 7 65–75% HRmax 33 3/w 9 3×30sce all out 4 min low intensity 13.5 3/w
Wang et al.[40] 21 25.8 walking and jogging H = M 12w 12 60–70% HRpeak 33 4/w 12 4×4 min 85–95% HRpeak 3 min 50–60% HRpeak+7 min pacing rest 28 4/w
Fisher et al.[28] 20 29 cycle H<M 6w 10 55–65% VO2peak,138±13w 60 5/w 13 4×30s 85% peak power,810±250w 4 min 15% peak power,140±20w 20 3/w
Cheema et al.[29] 43 32 walking H = M 12w 6 4 MET 50 4/w 6 10×2 min >75% HRmax 1 min, standing or pacing 30 4/w
Ahmadizad et al.[30]# 25 27.6 walking and jogging ? 6w 10 50–60% VO2max 60 3/w 10 8×2–3 min (rest/intensity = 2:1), intensity: 90% VO2max 24 3/w
Sawyer et al.[31] 35.1 37.4 cycle H<M 8w 9 70–75% HRmax 30 3/w 9 10×1 min 90–95% HRmax 1 min low intensity 20 3/w
Martins et al.-1[32] 34.4 32.4 cycle H = M 12w 7 70% HRmax 250Kcal deficit time 3/w 16 8sce all out 12s low intensity 250Kcal deficit time 3/w
Martins et al.-2[32] 34.4 32.4 cycle H<M 12w 7 70% HRmax 250Kcal deficit time 3/w 16 8sce all out 12s low intensity 125Kcal deficit time 3/w
Cocks et al.[33] 25 35.8 cycle ? 4w 8 65% VO2peak 60 5/w 8 4–7×30s 200%Wmax 120s 30 W 30 3/w
Kong et al.[34] 21 25.8 cycle H<M 5w 13 60–80% VO2peak 40 4/w 13 60×8s all out 12s passive rest 20 5/w
Gerosa-Neto et al.[35] 46.4 31.8 walking and running H<M 16w 11 70% HRmax 30 5/w 11 4×4 min90%HRmax 3 min 75% HRmax 28 3/w
Zhang et al.[36] 18–22 38.1% (fat%) cycle H = M 12w 15 60% VO2max 62.6 3-4/w 15 4–6×4 min 90% VO2max 3 min passive rest 34 3-4/w
Liu et al.[41] 20–23 28.8 cycle H = M 12w 20 50% VO2max 30 4/w 20 15×1 min 90% VO2max 1 min 20% VO2max 30 4/w
Zhang et al.[39] 21 25.8 running H = M 12w 12 60–70% HRpeak 33 4/w 12 4×4 min 85–95% HRpeak 3-min 50–60% HRpeak 28 4/w
Higgins et al.[37] 20.4 30.3 cycle H = M 6w 20 60%–70% HRR 20 3/w 29 (3–7)30s all out 4 min of active recovery 16 3/w
Vella et al.[38] 26.2 31.6 treadmill, cycle, elliptical H = M 8w 9 55–59% HRR 20 4/w 8 10×1min 75–80% HRR 1min 35–40% HRR 20 4/w
Wang et al.[42] 18–21 28.7 treadmill, cycle H = M 12w 16 60% VO2max 45 4/w 18 7×3min 80–90% VO2max 3min 50–60% VO2max+1min rest 36 4/w
Gao et al.[43] 21.6 27.1 treadmill H = M 12w 17 60% VO2max 55 5/w 17 5×4min 85% VO2max 2min 50%VO2max+5min rest 55 5/w
Eimarieskandari et al.[44] 22.1 29.6 treadmill H = M 8w 7 50–70% HRpeak 41 3/w 7 4×4min80-90%VO2peak 3min50-60%VO2peak 33 3/w

MICT:moderate-intensity continuous training; HIIT:high-intensity interval training; IAT: individual anaerobic threshold; MET: Metabolic Equivalent; HR:heart rate; HRR:heart rate reserve. Lunt et al.-1 and Lunt et al.-2 were two different HIIT methods were used in one article. Martinset al.-1 and Martins et al.-2 were two different HIIT methods were used in one article. H = M: Energy expenditure of HIIT equal to MICT; H<M: Energy expenditure of HIIT less than MICT; ?:Not Clear; #: the study is controlled clinical trial and non-randomised trials, unmarked studies arerandomized controlled trial.