Figure 1. Post-transplant but not pre-transplant graft HO-1 expression correlates negatively with the hepatocellular damage in liver transplant patients.
(A) Pre-transplant (prior to put-in) and post-transplant (2h after reperfusion) protocol liver biopsies (Bx) were collected from fifty-one liver transplant patients. HO-1 expressions in Bx samples was analyzed by Western blots with β-actin normalization, as described in Methods. (B) Representative peri-operative HO-1 profiles (Pre: pre-transplant, Post: post-transplant, case A vs case B: pre-transplant HO-1 level rather than peri-operative HO-1 increase determined post-transplant HO-1 expression; case C vs case D: peri-operative HO-1 enhancement rather than pre-transplant HO-1 was crucial for post-transplant HO-1 level). (C) Relationship between pre-transplant HO-1 and sALT level at postoperative day 1 (POD1). (D) Relationship between post-transplant HO-1 level and sALT level at POD1. r: Spearman’s correlation coefficient.