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. 2019 Jan 22;9:5. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00005

Table 1.

Characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis.

References Age (years) Location Study cohort Size of cohort Number of cases Exposure measurement Outcome measurement Follow-up Confounding adjustments
Albanes et al. (35) 25–74 US US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) and NHANES I Epidemiological Follow-up 5,138 men and 7,407 women 114 Non-recreational activity and recreational activity hospital record or death certificate review median: 10 years Age, cigarette smoking status and pack-year history, economic status, reproductive and family breast cancer history, BMI, or dietary fat or energy intake
Severson et al. (36) 30+ US Japan-Hawaii Cancer Study 8,006 194 Non-recreational activity and recreational activity Cancer registry 1965–1986 Age, body mass index, cigarette smoking
Knekt et al. (34) 30+ Europe Mini-Finland Health Survey 3,245 70 Leisure-time exercise Cancer Registry 14 years Age
Thune and Lund, (37) 20-49 Europe Population based Health Survey 1,04,485 men and women 464 Leisure activity and work activity Cancer Registry 1972–1991 Age at entry, geographical region, smoking habits, number of cigarettes smoked, years smoked and body mass index.
Lee et al. (2) Mean: 58 years US The Harvard Alumni Health Study 13,905 245 Non-recreational activity and recreational activity Self-reported and death certificates 1985–1997 Age, cigarette smoking, body mass index
Wannamethee et al. (38) 40–59 Europe The British Regional Heart Study (BRHS) 7,588 265 Non-recreational activity and recreational activity death certificates; cancer registry, postal questionnaires Mean: 18.8 years Age, smoking, body mass index, alcohol intake and social class
Colbert et al. (39) 50–69 Europe Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study 29,133 1,442 Usual occupational and leisure time physical activity Cancer Registry 1985–1997 randomization
Alfano et al. (10) Mean: 63years US Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET) 7,405 263 Sleeping, vigorous activity, moderate activity, light activity, and sitting cancer registries, state boards of health, and the National Death Index <5 years Age, education level, ethnicity, gender, marital status, employment, and household structure, Health-Related Variables
Schnohr et al. (9) 20–93 Europe The Copenhagen Center for Prospective Population Studies 28,000 228 Leisure-time physical activity Cancer registry and National Central Person Register 14 years Age, birth cohort, cohort membership and occupational physical activity, smoking, education and alcohol consumption, duration of smoking, and interaction between smoking status and duration
Sprague et al. (3) 43–86 US University of Wisconsin Extension-Survey Research Laboratory 4,831 134 Total physical activity Cancer Registry, death certificates, and the National Death Index 12.8 years Age, sex, pack-years of smoking, time since smoking cessation, body mass index, alcohol intake, and education
Yun et al. (4) 40+ Asia The National Health Insurance Corporation Study (NHICS) 4,44,963 1,574 Leisure-time physical activity Cancer registry 6 years Age, dietary preference, LPA, smoking status, amount of alcohol drinking, body mass index, employment and fasting blood sugar as appropriate
Inoue et al. (8) 45–74 Asia Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study 79,771 532 Total physical activity notification from the major hospitals in the study area, cancer registries, and Death certificates 1995–2004; Average: 7.5 years Age, area, total energy intake, history of diabetes, smoking status, alcohol intake status, body mass index, and leisure-time sports or physical exercise.
Laukkanen et al. (5) 42–60 Europe Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study 2,268 52 Total physical activity Cancer registry and death registry 16.7 years Age and examination year, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, waist-to-hip ratio, SES and total caloric, fiber and fat intake.
Land et al. (11) <65 years (>80% subjects) US The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (P-1) NSABP-1 13,388 66 Leisure-time physical activity clinical examinations and pathology reports 7 years Randomization
Sormunen et al. (40) 35–94 Europe Finland Athletic Sample 2,448 87 Leisure-time physical activity Cancer registry 1986–2010 Age, smoking status and pack-years of smoking
Moore et al. (6) 19–98 US and Europe The Physical Activity Collaboration of the National Cancer Institute's Cohort Consortium 1,436,624 19,133 Leisure-time physical activity Multiple methods median: 11 years Age, sex, smoking status, alcohol consumption, education, and race/ethnicity.
Wang et al. (17) 50–79 US Women's Health Initiative Observational Study (WHI-OS) and Clinical Trial (WHI-CT) 1,29,401 2,148 Leisure-time physical activity medical and pathology records review 11.8 years Age, race/ethnicity, BMI, family history of cancer, personal history of cancer, history of asthma, history of emphysema or chronic bronchitis, smoking, education, alcohol intake, vitamin D use, hormone therapy, oral contraceptive use, hysterectomy status, NSAID use, servings of fruit, vegetables, and red meat
Patel et al. (18) 50–74 US CPS-II Nutrition Cohort 1,84,185 1,905 Leisure-time physical activity medical records and linkage with state cancer registries 14 years Age, sex, race, sitting time, marital status, prevalent disease (emphysema or other lung diseases), education, cigarettes per day and smoking duration, fruits and vegetables consumption, and Body mass index
Laaksonen et al. (7) 18+ Australia Australian cancer-PAF cohort consortium 3,67,058 2,025 Leisure-time physical activity Australian Cancer Database and National Death Index 10 years Age, sex, study, smoking, fruit consumption
Borch et al. (12) 30–70 Europe Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) 86,499 866 Total physical activity Cancer Registry 12.9 years Body mass index, years of education, smoking status and pack-years, fruit consumption, birth cohort