Figure 5.
Comparison of Aβ40 and Aβ42. (A) Time dependence of the ThT fluorescence for Aβ40 (blue) and Aβ42 (green) at 10 μM monomer concentration. (B and C) Oligomer size distributions of Atto488-Aβ42 (B) and Atto488-Aβ40 (C) in terms of relative photon number, , for different DOLs and for two characteristic times: before the growth phase (colored bars) and after 24 h of incubation (black bars). (D and E) Mean values and SDs of the oligomer size distributions for Atto488-Aβ42 (D) and Atto488-Aβ40 (E) during early aggregation. The mean values are depicted as filled (DOL 100%) and open symbols (DOL 2%), whereas the SDs are represented by dark- (DOL 100%) and light- (DOL 2%) shaded areas, respectively. The values are listed in Table 2. To see this figure in color, go online.