Box 2.
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Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1946 to
Present ((palliative adj medicine adj kit*) or (liverpool adj care adj pathway*) or ((end adj2 life) adj2 ((care adj plan*) or (care adj pathway*))) or (gold adj standard* adj framework*) or ((prescrib* or prescription* or medicat* or medicine* or drug* or pharma or pharmaceutical* or packet* or pack* or pak* or box* or kit* or (care adj plan*) or (core adj ‘4’) or (core adj four)) adj3 (crisis* or comfort* or anticipate* or anticipatory or anticipation or preemptive or pre-emptive or (just adj in adj case) or PRN or (pro adj re adj nata) or (as adj required)))).ti, ab. AND (exp Terminal Care/ or exp Palliative Care/ or exp ‘Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing’/ or exp death/ or exp Palliative Medicine/ or exp Terminally Ill/ or ((end adj2 life) or ((final* or last*) adj1 (hour* or day* or minute* or week* or month* or moment*)) or palliat* or terminal* or (end adj stage) or dying or (body adj2 (shutdown or shut* down or deteriorat*)) or deathbed).ti, ab.) Searches in CINHAL, Embase, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, King’s Fund, Social Care Online and HMIC were adapted from this strategy. The full search strategy is available in ‘Supplemental Document 1’. |