Extended Data Figure 3 |. Analysis of sleep phenotype and signaling changes after food/water deprivation in the baseline and sleep deprivation conditions.
a-c, Analysis of circadian (a) and mean (b) absolute NREMS delta power, duration (c) of NREMS, REMS, wake states of wild-type mice (n = 8) without (Sham) or with 6-h food/water deprivation (FD 6h). d, Quantitative analysis of immunoblots with 7 phospho-motif antibodies using whole brain lysates of sham and FD 6h mice (n = 8) harvested at ZT6. e-g, Analysis of circadian (e) and mean (f) absolute NREMS delta power, duration (g) of NREMS, REMS, wake states of wild-type mice (n = 11) without (SD+Sham) or with 6-h food/water deprivation during 6-h sleep deprivation (SD+FD 6h). h, Quantitative analysis of immunoblots with 7 phospho-motif antibodies using whole brain lysates of SD+Sham and SD+FD mice (n = 6) harvested at ZT6. Mean ± s.e.m., two-way ANOVA, Sidak’s test (a, c, e, g); Paired t-test, two-tailed (b, f); Mean ± s.d., two-way ANOVA, Fisher’s LSD test (d, h). *(black) P < 0.05; ns, P > 0.05.