LAFTER application to synthetic densities with defined resolutions recovers signal of the correct resolution. LAFTER output for synthetic input truncated at resolutions of 20 voxels (A), 10 voxels (B) and 5 voxels (C) and over a 128.0–2.1 voxel resolution gradient (D). All synthetic input was constructed with a flat FSC of 0.5, and the same level of noise with respect to the noiseless structure maintained after the resolution cut-off. In each case the initial noisy and filtered maps are shown in grey with a linear transparency gradient over the density. The densities are shown as transparent “solids” as the signal in the half volumes is often otherwise indiscernible, with surface features inset. Curves for the half-set FSC, Cref and xFSCs between the filtered, true and unfiltered maps in each case are shown adjacent as described in the key.