FIG 1.
Two-dimensional nonparametric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination plots of ileal (A) and cecal (B) bacterial communities of low- and high-residual-feed-intake (RFI) broiler chickens fed either ad libitum or restrictively. The NMDS plots were generated using Bray-Curtis distance metric data from comparisons between chicken groups. Each dot represents an individual sample; the ellipses indicate the standard deviations (SD). Blue, restrictively fed high-RFI chickens (n = 7 per sex); green, restrictively fed low-RFI chickens (n = 7 per sex); red, ad libitum-fed high-RFI chickens (n = 8 females and n = 7 males); gray, ad libitum-fed low-RFI chickens (n = 7 per sex).