Figure 11.
2D and 3D virtual intravascular endoscopy (VIE) synchrotron radiation computed tomography images of model 2. (A) 2D axial images acquired with beam energy of 40 keV and reconstructed with different slice thicknesses. Arrows refer to the plaque at left anterior descending arteries (LAD). (B) 2D axial images acquired with different beam energies and slice thicknesses. Images reconstructed with a slice thickness of 0.491 mm result in suboptimal visualization of plaque (arrows) at left circumflex (LCx). (C) 3D VIE images of plaque at LAD acquired with beam energy of 40 keV and reconstructed with different slice thicknesses. (D) 3D VIE images of plaque at LCx acquired with different beam energies and slice thicknesses. The plaque became irregular when the slice thickness of 0.491 mm was used for image reconstruction.