Figure 5.
Dilp1 expression in double mutants rescues longevity and AKH. (a) Lifespan is extended by dilp2‐ GAL4>UAS‐dilp1 overexpression rescue in the dilp1 − dilp2 double mutant background compared to dilp2‐GAL4/+ controls, Cox hazard analysis p < 0.0001, χ 2 = 25.8, n = 289–364 per genotype. (b) Mortality is decreased when dilp2‐ GAL4>UAS‐dilp1 is overexpressed in the dilp1 − dilp2 double mutants compared to dilp2‐GAL4/+ controls. (c) Lifespan is extended by elav‐GS>dilp1 overexpression in the dilp1 − dilp2 double mutant background treated with RU486 in adults relative to elav‐GS/+ controls, Cox hazard analysis p < 0.0001, χ 2 = 89.7, n = 361–377 per genotype. (d) Mortality is decreased by elav‐GS>UAS‐dilp1 overexpression in the dilp1 − dilp2 double mutant background treated with RU486 in adults compared to elav‐GS/+ controls. (e) Dilp2>dilp1 rescue in the dilp1 − dilp2 double mutant background increases Akh expression compared to dilp2‐Gal4/+ controls, t test p < 0.001, n = 5–6 per genotype. (f) Model for interaction between dilp1 and dilp2 in regulating lifespan. IPCs, insulin‐producing cells; CC, corpora cardiaca; CA, corpora allata; JH, juvenile hormone