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. 2019 Jan 24;24(4):1900055. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.4.1900055

Table 1. Participant profile, by influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 case and vaccination status, Canadian Sentinel Practitioner Surveillance Network, 4 November 2018–12 January 2019 (n = 1,442).

Characteristic Overall Distribution by case status (column %) Vaccination coverage (row %)b
A(H1N1)pdm09 cases Negative controls p valuea A(H1N1)pdm09 cases p valuec Negative controls p valuec
n % n % n % n % n %
n (row %) 1,442 100 585 41 857 59 NA 45 8 NA 234 27 NA
Age group (years)
1–8 282 20 163 28 119 14 < 0.001 3 2 < 0.001 21 18 < 0.001
9–19 134 9 54 9 80 9 2 4 9 11
20–49 632 44 253 43 379 44 19 8 78 21
50–64 256 18 90 15 166 19 12 13 55 33
≥ 65 138 10 25 4 113 13 9 36 71 63
Median age (range) 35 (1–97) 31 (1–82) 38 (1–97) < 0.001 48 (2–82) < 0.001 51.5 (1–97) < 0.001
Female 869 60 328 56 541 63 0.005 29 9 0.25 170 31 < 0.001
Male 564 39 255 44 309 36 16 6 61 20
Unknown 9 1 2 0 7 1 NA 0 0 NA 3 43 NA
No 1,099 76 474 81 625 73 < 0.001 30 6 0.01 141 23 < 0.001
Yes 264 18 76 13 188 22 11 14 85 45
Unknown 79 5 35 6 44 5 NA 4 11 NA 8 18 NA
Alberta 432 30 219 37 213 25 < 0.001 16 7 0.02 65 31 0.08
British Columbia 267 19 87 15 180 21 10 11 55 31
Ontario 546 38 179 31 367 43 18 10 97 26
Quebec 197 14 100 17 97 11 1 1 17 18
Specimen collection interval from ILI onset (days)e
≤ 4 1,066 74 476 81 590 69 < 0.001 38 8 0.58 150 25 0.07
5–7 376 26 109 19 267 31 7 6 84 31
Median interval (range) 3 (0–7) 3 (0–7) 3 (0–7) < 0.001 3 (0–7) 0.61 4 (0–7) 0.04
Month of specimen collection
November 409 28 158 27 251 29 0.006 7 4 0.14 51 20 0.01
December 736 51 326 56 410 48 27 8 121 30
January 297 21 101 17 196 23 11 11 62 32
Vaccination status
Vaccination without regard to timingf 334/
22 62/
10 272/
30 < 0.001 NA NA NA NA NA NA
≥ 2 weeks before ILI onset 279 19 45 8 234 27 < 0.001 NA NA NA NA NA NA

ILI: influenza-like illness; NA: not applicable.

Unless otherwise specified, values displayed in the columns represent the number of specimens per category and percentages are relative to the total. Where the denominator for the percentages differs from the total, fractions supporting the calculation of percentages are shown.

a p values for comparison between cases and controls were derived by chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

b Vaccination status based on patients’ self-report; defined as receipt of 2018/19 seasonal influenza vaccine at least 2 weeks before symptom onset. Patients vaccinated less than 2 weeks before onset of symptoms or with unknown vaccination status or timing were excluded.

c p values for comparison of the proportion vaccinated were derived by chi-squared test, Fisher’s exact test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

d Includes chronic comorbidities that place individuals at higher risk of serious complications from influenza as defined by Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization, including: heart, pulmonary (including asthma), renal, metabolic (such as diabetes), blood, cancer or immunocompromising conditions, conditions that compromise management of respiratory secretions and increase risk of aspiration, or morbid obesity (body mass index ≥ 40).

e Missing specimen collection dates were imputed as the date the specimen was received and processed at the laboratory minus 2 days, the average time between specimen collection date and laboratory received date among specimens with complete information for both values.

f Participants who received seasonal 2018/19 influenza vaccine less than 2 weeks before ILI onset or for whom vaccination timing was unknown were excluded from the primary analysis. They are included here for assessing vaccination regardless of timing for comparison to other estimates of vaccination coverage.