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. 2019 Jan 29;16:17. doi: 10.1186/s12984-019-0492-1

Table 2.

RCT Experiment Settings. ADL = Activities of Daily Living, BBS = Berg Balance Scale, C = Control Group, H&Y = Hoehn and Yahr Scale, I = Intervention Group, MMSE = Mini Mental Scale Examination, PD = Parkinsons Disease, UPDRS = Universal Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale, WBB = Wii Balance Board

Author Participants: n, age (C/I),sex (men C/I),duration (y), MDS-UPDRS (C/I)) Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Aim Sensor / Platform Game Intervention Control Setting
Pompeu et al. (2012) [35] N: 32
Age (y): 67.4
Sex (men): 17
Duration (y):
MDS-UPDRS: 8.9/10.1
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• Age 60–85
• H&Y Stages to II
• Good visual and auditory acuity
• 5 to 15 years of education
• Other neurological or orthopaedic diseases
• MMSE< 23
• Depression (GDS < 6)
Evaluate Wii-based motor cognitive training versus traditional balance exercises in UPDRS ADL scores WBB Nintendo Wii Fit Fourteen sessions of 30 min of stretching, strengthening and axial mobility exercises, plus 30 min of Wii Fit training, two sessions per week for 7 weeks
Total time: 14 h
Fourteen sessions of 30 min of stretching, strengthening and axial mobility exercises, plus 30 min of balance therapy without cognitive stimulation. Two sessions per week for 7 weeks Clinical, with supervision of a physiotherapist
Allen et al. (2017) [36] N: 38
Age (y): 67.5/68.4
Sex (men): 12/11
Duration (y): 7.9/8.7
MDS-UPDRS: 41.3/38.8 (Motor)
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• Age > =40
• Stable medication
• Upper Extremity Pain or injuries
• MMSE < 24
• Any health condition that would interfere with safe conduct
Evaluate upper extremity exergames to improve arm and hand activity Custom developed sensor, Tablet Custom developed games Around 30 min per session, 3 times per week for 12 weeks
Total time: 18 h
Usual care and activities At home, unsupervised
Liao et al. (2015) [37] N: 36
Age (y): 64.6/65.1/67.3 (2 Intervention groups)
Sex (men): 5/6/6
Duration (y): 6.4/6.9/7.9
MDS-UPDRS:Not provided
• Diagnosis of Idiopathic PD
• H&Y Scale I to III
• Ability to walk unaided
• Stable medication
• MMSE < 24
• Unstable medical condition
• Other neurological, cardiopulmonary or orthopedic diseases
• Past history of seizure
• Pacemaker
• Vision deficits
Evaluate exergames on obstacle crossing performance and dynamic balance WBB Wii Fit Plus 12 sessions, 2 per week, over a 6-week period 45 min Wii Fit plus 15 min treadmill
TE Group: 60 min treadmill
Total time: 12 h
Fall prevention education, and regular exercise Clinical, with supervision of a physiotherapist
Shih et al. (2016) [38] N: 22
Age (y): 67.5/68.8
Sex (men): 9/7
Duration (y): 4.03/5.22
MDS-UPDRS: Not provided
MMSE: 27.4/28.2
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• H & Y Scale I to III
• Stable medication
• Standing unaided
• MMSE < 24
• Other neurological, cardiovascular or orthopedic diseases
• Uncontrolled chronic diseases
Evaluate a therapeutic exergames based on Kinect, compared to traditional balance training Kinect Custom developed games 30 min balance-based exergaming (reaching fixed object, moving object, obstacle avoidance and marching)
+ Balance training, 50 min per session, 2 sessions/week, 8 weeks
Total time: 13.3 h
30 min conventional balance training+
Balance training, 50 min per session, 2 sessions/week, 8 weeks
Clinical, supervision not specified
Ribas et al. (2017) [39] N: 20
Age (y): 61.7/60.2
Sex (men): 4/4
Duration (y): 6.5/7
MDS-UPDRS: 22.5/20.5
MMSE: 27.5/27.5
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• Age 40–80
• H & Y Scale I to III
• BBS > 45
• MMSE < 24
• Acute pain, comorbid conditions
• Visual Impairment or assistive devices
• Previous experience with WBB
• Receiving any other therapy
Determine the effectiveness of WBB exergaming in improving balance, fatigue, capability and quality of life WBB Custom developed games 30 min exergaming with prior practicing of the required postures and movements. 2 sessions per week for 12 weeks
Total time: 12 h
Warming, stretching, and active exercises (10 min) resistance for limbs (10) and diagonal exercises for trunk neck and limb (10). 12 weeks of sessions twice a week Clinical, supervised by two physiotherapists
Zimmermann et al. (2014) [40] N: 39
Age (y): 69.9/66.3
Sex (men): 13/12
Duration (y): 5.1/5.2
MDS-UPDRS: 24/25
MMSE: 28/28.75
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD • Moderate or severe demented
• Other neurologic conditions
• Insufficient knowledge of German
Compare a cognition-specific computer-based cognitive training program with a motion-controlled computer sports game for effects in cognitive performance Wiimote Wii Sports Resort 4 tasks, 10 min per task, 3 times per week for 4 weeks with Wii: Table tennis, swordplay, archery and air sports.
Total time: 8 h
4 tasks, 10 min per task, 3 times per week for 4 weeks with Cogniplus: Focused attention, working memory, executive function and response inhibition Clinically supervised by a psychologist or trained student
Song et al. (2017) [41] N: 60
Age (y): 65/68
Sex (men): 9/15
Duration (y): 9/7
MDS-UPDRS: 33/31 (Motor)
MMSE: 29/28
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• Age > =40
• Able to walk unaided 30 m
• Stable medication
• MMSE < 24
• Other medical conditions
Determine the efficacy of a home-based rehabilitation scenario Custom sensor (Dance mat) Modified version of Stepmania Minimum of 15 min per session, three sessions per week for 12 weeks. Difficulty adapted to patient progress manually.
Total time: 9 h
Usual healthcare At home, minimally supervised (initial instruction and visits)
Ferraz et al. (2018) [42] N: 62
Age (y): 71/67/67 (2 Intervention Groups)
Sex (men): 18/11/10
Duration (y): 4/6/4
MDS-UPDRS: 29.86/28.65/32.30
MMSE: 27/27/27
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• Age > = 60
• H & Y Scale II to III
• Able to walk unaided
• Stable medication
• Other medical conditions
• Visual or hearing impairment
• Alcohol or toxic substance use
• Contraindications for sport
• Practicing physical exercise programs recently
Compare functional training, bicycle exercise and Kinect exergaming Kinect Kinect Adventures 30 min per session plus stretching and breathing exercises, three sessions per week for 8 weeks.
Bicycle group: Same session length, max-HR-based training with increased demand for every week.
Total time: 12 h
Functional training, 10 activities lasting 3 min each, three sessions per week for 8 weeks. Clinically supervised by a physiotherapist
Tollar et al. (2018) [43] N: 74
Age (y): 67.5/70.0/70.6 (2 Intervention Groups)
Sex (men): 13/12/11
Duration (y): 7.3/7.5/7.5
MDS-UPDRS: 19.0/18.2/18.9
MMSE: Not Provided
• Diagnosis of idiopathic PD
• H & Y Scale II to III
• Stable medication
• Mobility, Balance or Postural Problems
• MMSE < 24
• Beck Depression Score > 40
• Other diseases
• Recent surgery
• Use of DBS
Compare bicycle exercise and Kinect exergaming Kinect Kinect Adventures 60 min per session, five sessions per week for 5 weeks.
Bicycle group: HR-controlled (110–140 bpm) spinning class
Exergaming group: Reflex Ridge, Space Pop and Just Dance.
Total time: 25 h
Usual healthcare Clinically supervised by a physiotherapist