Effect of QZS on myelin morphology of sciatic nerve in injured rats (osmium tetroxide staining).
At 4 weeks postoperatively, in the sham group there is substantial and evenly distributed myelin, and the myelin sheaths appear regular and uniform. In the NCI group, myelin regeneration appears poor, and the myelin sheaths have relatively small diameters and thickness. In the NCI + QZS group, myelin regeneration appears poor, but myelin density is greater compared to the NCI group. At 8 weeks after surgery, myelin regeneration in the sham group showed good regeneration. In the NCI and NCI + QZS groups, the myelin sheaths appear to have a mature structure. The distribution of the myelin sheaths looks uniform, with normal structures. The diameters of myelin sheaths generally appear small. Original magnification, 400×; Scale bar: 50 μm; red arrow indicates myelin. QZS: Qian-Zheng-San.