Figure 5.
IL22 reduces Lgr5+stem cell numbers in vivo. (A) Mice were treated with IL22 (1 μg/day for 7 consecutive days). Tissues were collected on day 8. Isolated jejunal crypts were grown as enteroids in ENR medium without added IL22. Bright-field images after 2 days of culture are shown. Images are representative of 3 independent experiments. Bar, 100 μm. (B and C) Enteroid cross-sectional area (n = 8) and number (n = 8) were quantified. *P < .05, **P < .01. (D) Quantitative RT-PCR of relative mRNA expression in isolated jejunal epithelium. n = 3–7 in the representative experiment shown. *P < .05. (E and F) Lgr5-EGFP (detected using anti-GFP) and Olfm4 immunostains of jejunal tissue sections from IL22- or saline-treated mice. Numbers of positive cells per well-oriented crypt are shown. Each point (n = 12) represents a separate field from a total of 5–7 mice per condition. Bar, 100 μm. Bar, 20 μm (insets). **P < .01. (G and H) Lgr5-EGFP and Olfm4 immunostains of ileal tissue sections from IL22- or saline-treated mice. Numbers of positive cells per well-oriented crypt are shown. Each point (n = 12) represents a separate field from a total of 5–7 mice per condition. Bar, 100 μm. Bar, 20 μm (insets). **P < .01.