Table 1 |.
Species | Phenotype | Anatomical location | Antigen specificity | Homeostasis | Evidence of stemness |
Mouse | CD44−, CD62L+, CCR7+, SCA1+, IL-2RB+, BCL-2+ and CXCR3+ (REFS 51,52) | Not extensively characterized. Described in peripheral blood, spleen, lymph nodes and liver51 | Alloantigens51 | Enhanced proliferative response in lymphopaenic hosts. MHC class I independence52 | Self-renewal and multipotency on serial transplantation52 |
Non-human primates | CD45RA+, CD62L+, CCR7+, CD27+ CD28+, IL-7RA+, CD95+, IL-2RB+, BCL-2+ and CXCR3+ (REF. 53) | Preferential homing to lymphoid tissues. Almost completely absent in the gut53 | Simian immunodeficinecy virus53 | In vivo and in vitro proliferative responses to IL-15 (REF. 53) | Long-term persistence in the absence of antigenic stimuli53 |
Human | CD45RA+, CD62L+, CCR7+, CD27+, CD28+, IL-7RA+, CD45RO−, CD95+, IL-2RB+, BCL-2+ and CXCR3+ (REF. 19) | Not extensively characterized. Described in peripheral and cord blood19 | Influenza, CMV and MART1 (REF. 19) | Enhanced proliferative response in immunodeficient mice. In vitro proliferative responses to IL-15 (REF. 19) | Self-renewal and multipotency in in vitro assay. Enhanced engraftment in xenograft models19 |
CMV, cytomegalovirus; CXCR3, chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 3; IL, interleukin; MART1, melanoma antigen recognized by T-cells 1.