Figure 2. Reflectance of the adult body surface at the 5th abdominal segment of O. albistylum.
(A–F) Spectrometry of a round area (6 mm in diameter) in males (A–C) and females (D–F). (A, D) Immature individuals. (B, E) Mature individuals. (C, F) Aged individuals. Solid and dotted lines indicate averaged UV reflectance on the dorsal and ventral sides of the abdomen, respectively. The standard deviation is shaded. (G) Micro-spectrometry of the 5th abdominal segment of a mature male. UV reflectance was measured in eight micro-areas (10 μm x 10 μm each) depicted as red squares in the photos. In the photos, white areas are covered with secreted wax whereas black areas are without wax, presumably because of accidental scratches and cracks on the adult body surface.