Fig. 3. Evolution of WS-BrC in the South Asian outflow.
(A) The fractional contribution of WSOC, water-insoluble OC (WIOC), and stable carbon isotope ratio of WSOC (δ13CWSOC) at Delhi, BCOB, and MCOH for the synoptic period of the SAPOEX-16 campaign when air masses were overwhelmingly from IGP and over the Bay of Bengal to MCOH (and thus similar air masses connecting the three stations, see figs. S1 and S2). (B) Absorption coefficient (babs) and mass absorption cross section of WS-BrC at 365 nm (MACWS-BrC 365) and AAE for 330 to 400 nm at Delhi, BCOB, and MCOH during the SAPOEX-16 campaign. Note the order of magnitude difference in scale for babs of MCOH compared to Delhi and BCOB.