Purification and immunoblotting analysis of soluble GST-LipL32 fusion protein. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis of GST-LipL32 in E. coli; IPTG induced total cell lysate (W), the insoluble form (I) and the soluble form (S). (B) Purification of soluble GST-LipL32 from bacterial cell lysates by Glutathione-Agarose resins column. Lane M: Prestained protein marker, Lane 1: bacterial cell lysate, Lane 2: flow through, Lane 3 to 5: washing fraction, Lane 6 to 9: elution fractions. (C) Western blot analysis of elution fraction containing purified GST-LipL32 fusion protein with anti-sera from leptospirosis patient. Lane M: Prestained protein marker, Lane 1: elution fraction. Arrow indicates GST-LipL32 protein.