Figure 2.
Summary of Clinical Events in LAD-Deferred Patients
Bar charts outlining clinical events in patients with LAD stenoses deferred on the basis of intracoronary physiology. The orange bars denote patients whose treatment was guided by iFR, and the blue bars denote patients whose treatment was guided by FFR. iFR-guided deferral was associated with significantly lower rates of unplanned revascularization (right, p = 0.03). This was driven by numerically greater rates of target vessel revascularization with FFR (p = 0.06). iFR-guided deferral was associated with numerically lower rates of myocardial infarction (MI) (left, p = 0.06). This was driven by numerically greater rates of target vessel MI with FFR (p = 0.08). There was no difference in periprocedural MI (p = 1.00). Abbreviations as in Figure 1.