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. 2019 Jan 25;16(1):50–58. doi: 10.30773/pi.2018.12.21.1

Table 1.

Randomized controlled and double blinded trials

Trial Sample Number of subjects (completed) Augmentation? Drug/neuromodulation Dose Trial duration Outcome Other information
Bernik et al. [12] PD patients; comorbidities allowed 30 No D-fenfluramine/pindolol 30mg/5 mg Single dose; flumazenil-induced anxiety attacks PA and limited-symptom attacks were observed in 50% ofPLA, 50% of PIN and 70% of FEN group patients. There were no statistical differences between groups. PAN did not experience higher increases in respiratory frequency than NPAN
Goddard et al. [14] SSRI/SNRI resistant PD patients; comorbidities allowed 26 (21) SSRI/SNRI Quetiapine extended release 50-400 mg 8 weeks QXR group was not superior to placebo; response:* QXR 46%, PLA 38%
Mantovani et al. [15] (phase 1) Treatment resistant patients with PD+MDD 25 (21) Antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and other drugs. rTMS over the right DLPFC Twenty 30-min. trains (1,800 stimuli/train), 1-Hz, at 110% of resting motor threshold 4 weeks Response: 50% rTMS, 8% sham; remission: 25% rTMS, 8% sham; significant decrease in PDSS scores in active rTMS; no differences in CGI-S scores No significant decrease in depression symptoms
Deppermann et al. [13] PD patients; comorbidities allowed 44 Allowed SSRI an SNRI; CBT iTBS over the left DLPFC 15 trains at 80% of resting motor threshold 3 weeks No significant differences between the verum and sham group (PAS and HAM-A); significant improvement of self-rated agoraphobic avoidance in the verum group

responders: 50% decrease from their baseline PDSS scores,

response: ≥40% decrease from the baseline PDSS scores and ≥50% decrease on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores,

remission: PDSS scores below five and Hamilton depression rating scale scores below 10.

CGI-S: Clinical Global Impression Severity, DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, FEN: d-fenfluramine, HAM-A: Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, iTBS: Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation, MDD: major depression disorder, NPAN: patients not experiencing flumazenil-induced Pas, PA: panic attack, PAN: patients experiencing flumazenil-induced Pas, PAS: Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, PD: panic disorder, PDSS: Panic Disorder Severity Scale, PIN: pindolol, PLA: placebo, QXR: quetiapine extended release, rTMS: repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, SNRI: serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor