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. 2019 Jan 18;13(1):e0007112. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007112

Table 2. Diagnostic methods of osteoarticular brucellosis used in included studies.

Study Country (n) Diagnostic methods
Inflammatory signs Culture Immunoassays Radiographs
Aktug-Demir et al., 2014 Turkey (75) Arthralgia Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test Contrast enhanced MRI
Al-Eissa et al., 1990 Saudi Arabia (40) N/A Blood culture Brucella microagglutination test N/A
Ariza et al., 1993 Spain (62) N/A N/A Standard tube agglutination test, Rose Bengal test, Coombs test Plain radiographs, bone radionuclide scan
Aydoslu et al., 2006 Turkey (14) N/A Blood culture N/A N/A
Benjamin et al., 1992 Saudi Arabia (57) N/A Blood culture N/A N/A
Benjamin and Khan, 1994 Saudi Arabia (70) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood and synovial fluid culture Standard tube agglutination test Plain radiographs
Besharat et al., 2010 Iran (56) Pain, fever, sweating N/A N/A N/A
Bosilkovski et al., 2004a Macedonia (196) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test, Brucella Coombs test Fabere test, plain radiograph, MRI, computed tomography, radionuclide bone scan, ultrasound
Bosilkovski et al., 2004b Macedonia (162) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test, Brucella Coombs test Plain radiographs, bone radionuclide scan, ultrasound, MRI
Bosilkovski et al., 2010 Macedonia (299) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test, Brucella Coombs test, Brucellacapt test MRI, radionuclide bone scans, computerized tomography
Bosilkovski et al., 2013 Macedonia (133) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test, Brucella Coombs test, Brucellacapt test Stinchfield, Mennel test, abnormality on radiography, radionuclide bone scan or ultrasound examination, MRI, computed tomography
Bukharie, 2009 Saudi Arabia (54) Fever, pain Blood and bone marrow culture Standard tube agglutination test, ELISA (IgM and IgG) N/A
Bulut et al., 2011 Turkey (84) Fever, sweating, arthralgia Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test Plain radiographs, computed tomography scan, bone scan, MRI
Cirakli et al., 2015 Turkey (11) N/A Body fluid culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Colmenero et al., 1991 Spain (65) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Seroagglutination, Coombs, indirect immunofluorescence, Rose Bengal Plain radiographs, radionuclide bone scan
Colmenero et al., 1992 Spain (58) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Wright, Coombs, rose bengal test, indirect immunofluorescence Plain radiographs, bone radionuclide scan
Colmenero et al., 1996 Spain (2) N/A N/A Wright, Coombs, indirect immunofluorescence Computed tomography
Colmenero et al., 2008 Spain (96) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test, Coombs antibrucella or immunocapture agglutination test Computed tomography
Dabbagh and Rasool 2009 Iraq (45) Pain, swelling, and restriction of movement N/A Brucella agglutination test and 2-Mercaptoethanol Plain radiograph
Dahouk et al., 2005 Germany (11) N/A Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test, ELISA IgM, IgG N/A
Demiroglu et al., 2007 Turkey (51) N/A Bone marrow, sternoclavicular and psoas abscess culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Ebrahimpour et al., 2017 Iran (464) Swelling, effusion, restriction of movement N/A Standard tube agglutination test and 2-Mercaptoethanol Plain radiographs, MRI, sonography
Eini et al., 2012 Iran (118) Arthralgia Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test, Brucella Coombs test, 2-Mercaptoethanol N/A
Fanni et al., 2013 Iran (26) N/A Blood and bone marrow culture Serum agglutination test, Wright and Coombs test, 2-Mercaptoethanol N/A
Fruchtman et al., 2015 Israel (92) Fever, myalgia, headache Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Gonen et al., 2013 Turkey (50)   Blood and synovial fluid and bone marrow culture Standard tube agglutination test, Coombs test Plain radiographs, MRI, computed tomography, ultrasonography
Gotuzzo et al., 1987 Peru (22) N/A Blood, bone marrow, synovial culture N/A N/A
Guler et al., 2014 Turkey (178) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test Radiological alterations and/or radionuclide uptake in any deep joint
Gur et al., 2003 Turkey (195) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood and body fluid culture Standard tube agglutination test Plain radiographs, bone radionuclide scan, computed tomography, MRI
Hizel et al., 2007 Turkey (72) Pain, fever Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test Bone Scintigrapghy
Issa and Jamal, 1999 Jordan (38) Arthralgia Blood and bone marrow culture Rose Bengal test, ELISA IgM and IgG, Wright test N/A
Jia et al., 2017 China (137) Fatigue, fever, muscle and joint pain, headache Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Kazak et al., 2016 Turkey (87) Arthralgia Blood and body fluid culture Standard tube agglutination test and Rose bengal test, N/A
Khateeb et al., 1990 Kuwait (104) Pain, swelling, restriction of movement Culture negative Microagglutination, slide agglutination test, ELISA (IgG, IgM, and IgA) Plain radiographs- no apparent pathological changes
Kokoglu et al., 2006 Turkey (64) N/A Blood and body fluids culture Wright agglutination test N/A
Kose et al., 2014 Turkey (10) Arthralgia Blood and bone marrow culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Kouba et al., 2013 Tunisia (32) Pain Blood and body fluids/tissue culture Standard tube agglutination test MRI, computed tomography
Kursun et al, 2013 Turkey (137) Arthralgia Blood and bone marrow culture Standard tube agglutination test Whole-body bone scintigraphy (Technetium 99m)
Lulu et al., 1988 Kuwait (105) Pain and swelling Culture negative Microagglutination, slide agglutination test, ELISA (IgG, IgM, and IgA) N/A
Memish et al., 2000 Saudi Arabia (68) N/A Blood and body fluid culture Microagglutination test N/A
Memut et al., 2012 Turkey (70) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood and bone marrow culture Standard tube agglutination test, Rose Bengal test Computed tomography, MRI
Mugahi et al., 2014 Iran (8) Arthralgia N/A Wright test and 2-Mecarptoethanol test N/A
Namiduru et al., 2003 Turkey (14) Arthralgia Blood and body fluid culture Wright test Plain radiograph, bone scintigraphy, MRI
Okur et al., 2012 Turkey (20) Arthralgia Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Parlak et al., 2015 Turkey (55) N/A Blood culture Brucella agglutination test, standard tube agglutination test None
Pourbagher et al., 2006 Turkey (114) Arthralgia Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test Joint sonography, radiography, radionuclide, bone scintigraphy, and MRI
Qehaja-Bucaj et al., 2015 Kosovo (55) Fever, arhtralgia, fatigue, sweating N/A Wright test Plain radiographs
Roushan et al., 2004 Iran (69) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test, 2-Mercaptoethanol Plain radiographs, bone radionuclide scan
Roushan et al., 2005 Iran (35) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test, 2-Mercaptoethanol Radionuclide scan
Santiago et al., 2011 Portugal (44) N/A     N/A
Sasan et al., 2012 Iran (52) Arthralgia Blood, urine and joint fluid culture Wright test, Coombs test, Rose Bengal test, and 2-Mercaptoethanol N/A
Savas et al., 2007 Turkey (74) Arthralgia Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test N/A
Tasova et al., 1999 Turkey (87) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood and body fluid culture Standard tube agglutination test Plain radiograph, radionuclide bone scan
Ulug et al., 2011 Turkey (5) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability N/A Standard tube agglutination test Computed tomography, MRI, plain Radiograph
Zaks et al., 1995 Israel (40) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Positive culture Standard tube agglutination test, Rose Bengal test, 2-Mercaptoethanol Plain radiographs
Zamani et al., 2011 Iran (24) Pain, swelling, redness, functional disability Blood culture Standard tube agglutination test, 2-Mercaptoethanol N/A