Figure 2.
Expression of CPE and CPE-∆N protein in mouse E10.5 brain and P1 cortex. Western blots were performed with several different antibodies. A) The 6135 rabbit antibody showed CPE-WT at 53 kDa and CPE-∆N variants at 47 and 40 kDa. B) All these bands were blocked in the 6135 peptide absorption control. C) The N-terminal antibody revealed only 53-kDa CPE-WT. D) The CPH6–8 rabbit C-terminal antibody also revealed the 53-kDa CPE-WT and the 2 CPE-∆N variants at 47 and 40 kDa. E) The BD mouse mAb showed 53-kDa CPE-WT and the 40-kDa CPE-∆N variant.