A) An alignment assembled using CLUSTALW (
Larkin et al., 2007) of the MiSeq amplicon region in the ω1 genes Smp_179960, Smp_184360, Smp_193860 and Smp_168300 using the sequences from the
S. mansoni genome, assembly V5. The MiSeq primers (highlighted in blue) and sgRNA (red) were designed based on Smp_184360. Residues highlighted in green show where Smp_168300 differs from the other three genes. (
B) An alignment made using CLUSTALW (
Larkin et al., 2007) of the coding region of the amplicon sequence found in the gene Smp_193860 in the
S. mansoni V7 assembly, the predicted alternative sequence for the variant having ‘TT’ at position 60–61 and ‘TA’ at 152–153 in the amplicon (‘var’), and the translations of two mDNAs retrieved from NCBI (top BLASTP hits in the NCBI protein database). Note that this corresponds to a part only of the ω1 T2 ribonuclease. The CAS-2 catalytic region is highlighted in red (
Fitzsimmons et al., 2005). The mRNA
XP_018647488.1 has an alternative splicing event at the start of the exon included in the amplicon (shaded grey), so that it only matches the region from ‘KHEFEK…’ (in the CAS-2 catalytic region) onwards. (
C) An alignment of the coding region of the amplicon sequence in schistosome ω1 homologues (family 873078), excluding diverged members from
S. japonicum as well as the diverged
S. haematobium gene
B_00112. The region with sequence similarity to the alternative splice-form is in shaded grey. Note that the Smp_193860 sequence used in this alignment is the version in the
S. mansoni draft genome V5 gene set, which has the Q->K substitution at 152–153.