Top:+0.5 mM Ca
Middle: 0 Ca
Bottom:+0.5 mM Ca
2+ and + 5 mole% C24:0. (
A) Size exclusion profile of afTMEM16 in MSP1E3 nanodiscs. (
B) SDS gel of the indicated size exclusion peaks using precision plus kaleidoscope ladder. Molecular weight (MW) of afTMEM16 is 84.5 kD and MW of MSP1E3 is 32.5 kD. (
C) Representative cryo-EM micrographs of vitrified afTMEM16/nanodisc complexes. (
D) Representative 2D-class averages, box size 275 Å. (
E) Angular distribution representation of final, signal-subtracted C2 or C1 maps, number of views at each angular orientation is represented by length and color of cylinders where red indicates more views. (
F) Final masked reconstruction colored by local resolution calculated using the Bsoft program BlocRes (
Heymann, 2001;
Cardone et al., 2013). (
G) FSC plot indicating the resolution at the 0.143 threshold of final masked (black) and unmasked (red) map of afTMEM16 in the presence of 0.5 mM Ca
2+ (left) absence of Ca
2+ (middle), and presence of 0.5 mM Ca
2+ and five mole% C24:0 (right). (
H) FSC curves of refined models versus maps of afTMEM16 reconstituted in nanodiscs in the presence of 0.5 mM Ca
2+ (left), in the absence of Ca
2+ (middle) or with 0.5 mM Ca
2+ and five mole% C24:0 ceramide (right). Black traces: FSC curves for the refined model compared to the final masked reconstruction (FSC
sum). Red traces: FSC curves for the modified, refined model compared to the masked half-map 1 (FSC
work, used during validation refinement). Green traces: FSC curves for the modified, refined model compared to the masked half- map 2 (FSC
free, not used during validation refinement). Dashed lines show FSC threshold used for FSC
sum of 0.5 and for FSC
free/work of 0.143. Statistics for the EM analysis and model building are reported in
Supplementary file 3.