Fig. 2.
Active GSK3β does not alter epileptiform activity in acute hippocampal slices. (a) Analogue examples of epileptiform activity that was recorded 30 min after kainic acid (KA) administration in the CA3c region of hippocampal slices from wildtype and GSK3β[S9A] mice. Epileptiform discharges were induced in hippocampal slices from each group of animals by the application of 0.05 μM KA (wildtype, n = 6; GSK3β[S9A], n = 7) and 0.5 μM KA (wildtype, n = 6; GSK3β[S9A], n = 5). Calibration: 1 s and 200 μV. (b) Quantification of the effect of bath application of KA on the frequency of epileptiform field activity in hippocampal formation slices from wildtype and GSK3β[S9A] mice. Error bars indicate SEM. (one tailed t-test).