The sympathetic ganglia at the level of the Zuckerkandl organ and the organ itself have distinct early-defined origin despite the intermingling anatomy. (A) Dorsal view of whole-mount immunofluorescence (left panel) against the sympathetic marker CART, the chromaffin and sympathetic marker TH and NF200 (showing the innervation on the trunk of an E15.5 wild type embryo and schematic (right panel) showing the sympathetic and chromaffin structures in relation to the dorsal aorta. Note that the mesenteric (MG) and suprarenal ganglion (SRG), as well as the sympathetic chain (SC), are CART+, while the Zuckerkandl organ (ZO) is composed mainly by TH+/CART- cells. Additionally note that the para-aortic ganglia (PAG) are the continuation of the sympathetic chain that extends along the anteroposterior axis of the embryo trunk just at the dorsal view of the dorsal aorta, at the level of the ZO and MG. (B,C) Immunofluorescence on cryosections against CART, RetTOM and TH on tamoxifen-injected (TAM-injected) embryos at E10.5 and E11.5 respectively shows that RetTOM specifically delineated the sympathetic compartment when analyzed at E15.5, with clear tracing of the MG and PAG, while only few RetTOM+ cells can be seen in the ZO. Note the difference in CART immunofluorescence levels in the MG and PAG. (D) Immunofluorescence on cryosections against ISL1, RetTOM and TH on TAM-injected embryos at E10.5 shows RetTOM specific expression by the sympathetic ganglion (SG) and SRG when analyzed at E15.5, while almost no RetTOM+ cells can be seen in the adrenal medulla (AM). (E) Ventral view of whole-mount immunofluorescence against CART, Ascl1TOM and TH on embryos with TAM injection at E11.5 and analyzed at E13.5 shows tracing in the chromaffin cells of the ZO, while no tracing in the MG (shown by white arrowheads). Scale bar in (A–E) = 100 μm. A, anterior; P, posterior; AM, adrenal medulla; MG, mesenteric ganglion; ZO, Zuckerkandl organ; DA, dorsal aorta; SC, sympathetic chain; SRG, suprarenal ganglion; AG, adrenal gland; PAG, para-aortic ganglion; SG, sympathetic ganglion; ChCs, chromaffin cells; SNs, sympathetic neurons.)