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. 2019 Jan 25;10:23. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00023

Table 1.

The relationships between soil physicochemical properties and the relative abundance of archaea at phylum, order, genus, and OTUs level in black soils using Pearson's correlation.

Taxa Latitude pH TC TN C/N H2O% TP AK AP NH4+-N NO3--N
Crenarchaeota −0.327 0.227 −0.288 −0.275 −0.130 −0.022 −0.286 −0.216 −0.242 −0.106 −0.049
Euryarchaeota −0.181 −0.129 −0.006 0.021 −0.053 0.249 −0.080 −0.321 −0.298 −0.189 −0.194
Thaumarchaeota 0.221 0.079 0.054 0.028 0.071 −0.223 0.121 0.330 0.313 0.191 0.186
Methanobacteriales −0.244 −0.234 −0.122 −0.089 −0.126 0.105 −0.146 −0.303 −0.226 −0.172 −0.127
Methanococcales −0.071 0.066 0.036 −0.019 0.252 0.217 −0.248 −0.325 −0.274 −0.072 −0.143
Methanomassiliicoccales −0.062 −0.181 0.082 0.095 0.063 0.213 −0.006 −0.299 −0.285 −0.189 −0.255
Methanosarcinales −0.355 0.324 −0.104 −0.095 −0.082 0.169 −0.113 −0.142 −0.116 −0.112 −0.082
Nitrososphaerales 0.632** 0.500** 0.510** 0.482* 0.195 0.296 0.248 0.433* 0.068 0.181 0.029
Thaumarchaeota_norank −0.566** −0.590** −0.499** −0.478* −0.169 −0.389* −0.193 −0.348 0.027 −0.125 0.036
Thermococcales 0.404* −0.131 0.404* 0.436* −0.038 0.549** 0.286 0.026 −0.234 0.042 0.005
Methanobacterium −0.383 −0.258 −0.240 −0.214 −0.118 −0.056 −0.256 −0.331 −0.189 −0.171 −0.123
Methanobrevibacter 0.314 −0.027 0.298 0.331 −0.054 0.499** 0.263 −0.034 −0.199 −0.073 −0.080
Methanomassiliicoccus −0.062 −0.181 0.082 0.095 0.063 0.213 −0.006 −0.299 −0.285 −0.189 −0.255
Methanosaeta −0.327 0.335 −0.057 −0.047 −0.080 0.216 −0.067 −0.118 −0.100 −0.105 −0.080
Methanothermococcus 0.370 −0.135 0.273 0.227 0.228 0.289 0.041 −0.229 −0.234 0.006 −0.055
Nitrososphaera (Group1.1c) 0.366 −0.233 0.337 0.343 0.033 0.491* 0.306 −0.081 −0.062 0.029 −0.011
Nitrosotalea (Group 1.1a associated) −0.566** −0.590** −0.499** −0.478* −0.169 −0.389* −0.193 −0.348 0.027 −0.125 0.036
Nitrososphaera (Group 1.1b) 0.625** 0.504** 0.503** 0.475* 0.194 0.286 0.243 0.434* 0.069 0.180 0.029
OTU267 (Group 1.1b) 0.065 −0.347 −0.126 −0.123 −0.025 0.021 −0.136 −0.285 −0.269 0.096 0.129
OTU7 (Group 1.1b) −0.287 0.723** −0.051 0.030 −0.307 −0.231 0.062 0.228 0.087 −0.162 −0.182
OTU8 (Group 1.1b) 0.640** −0.220 0.660** 0.638** 0.150 0.719** 0.420* −0.036 −0.151 −0.017 −0.087
OTU15 (Group 1.1b) −0.431* −0.495* −0.380 −0.372 −0.07 −0.357 0.032 −0.251 −0.009 −0.187 −0.099
OTU39 (Group 1.1b) 0.336 −0.060 0.343 0.386 −0.088 0.446* 0.356 0.057 −0.087 −0.035 −0.012
OTU1120 (Group 1.1b) 0.216 −0.610** 0.051 0.008 0.171 0.189 0.036 −0.337 −0.096 0.175 0.148
OTU1 (Group 1.1b) 0.596** 0.061 0.598** 0.574** 0.141 0.436* 0.170 0.081 −0.294 −0.024 −0.146
OTU2 (Group 1.1b) 0.226 −0.620** 0.108 0.096 0.018 0.235 0.073 −0.097 0.146 0.288 0.384
OTU4 (Group 1.1b) 0.121 −0.006 −0.221 −0.271 0.235 −0.232 −0.242 0.154 0.139 0.287 0.220
OTU5 (Group 1.1b) 0.470* −0.224 0.272 0.202 0.345 0.337 0.005 −0.077 −0.235 0.123 0.001
OTU6 (Group 1.1b) −0.375 0.772** −0.211 −0.146 −0.294 −0.236 −0.051 0.149 0.091 −0.166 −0.147
OTU9 (Group 1.1b) 0.280 0.195 −0.049 −0.103 0.218 −0.173 −0.034 0.313 0.300 0.083 0.116
OTU16 (Group 1.1b) 0.072 0.395* 0.548** 0.589** −0.127 0.433* 0.328 0.377 0.058 0.050 0.043
OTU18 (Group 1.1b) 0.518** 0.156 0.862** 0.855** 0.092 0.817** 0.586** 0.177 −0.061 0.021 −0.049
OTU1354 (Group 1.1b) −0.313 0.661** −0.169 −0.227 0.263 −0.384 0.104 0.452* 0.424* −0.145 −0.196
OTU1707 (Group 1.1b) −0.086 −0.256 −0.005 −0.061 0.246 −0.040 −0.304 −0.132 −0.316 −0.095 −0.187
OTU3 (Group 1.1a associated) −0.566** −0.590** −0.499** −0.479* −0.168 −0.390* −0.193 −0.348 0.027 −0.125 0.035

TC, TN, and TP represent soil total carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. AK and AP represent soil available potassium and phosphorus, respectively. Correlations with significant values (


p < 0.05;


p < 0.01) are shown in bold. The bold OTUs are the most abundant OTUs in the black soils.