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. 2019 Jan 31;9:1071. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37643-y

Table 1.

Demographics, Systemic illness, Clinical features, and Outcomes of Patients with Liver abscess related Endophthalmitis.

Demographics Eye or Patient No. (%) Clinical features Eye No. (%)
Patient number 104 Presenting visual acuity
Eyes effected 120    Worse than CF 76(64.3%)
   OD 55(45.8%)    CF or better 44(35.7%)
   OS 65(54.2%) At presentation
Mean age, years (±SD) 58.3 ± 11.7    EE previous than PLA 62(52.1%)
Sex    PLA previous than EE 57(47.9%)
   Male 68(65.4%)    NA 1 (0.8%)
   Female 36(34.6%) Elevated IOP
Systemic illness    Yes 46(38.3%)
Diabetes 71(68.3%)    No 74(61.7%)
Hypertension 33(31.7%) Hypopyon
Liver abscesses    Yes 49(40.8%)
   Single 77(74.0%)    No 71(59.2%)
   Multiple 18(17.3%) Laterality
   NA 9 (8.7%)    Unilateral 88(73.3%)
Location of abscesses    Bilateral 32(26.7%)
   Right lobe 63(60.6%) Vitrectomy
   Left lobe 13(12.5%)    Early PPV for infection control 26(21.7%)
   Both lobes 10(9.6%)    Late PPV for sequelae 9(7.5%)
   NA 18(17.3%) Outcomes
Maximal diameter of abscesses, cm (±SD) 5.6 ± 2.4 Final visual acuity
   Good: CF or better 35(29.2%)
   Poor: worse than CF 85(70.8%)
Evisceration/Enucleation 34(28.3%)
Phthisis 34(28.3%)

Note: CF, counting fingers; SD, standard deviation; EE, endogenous endophthalmitis; NA, not available; PLA, pyogenic liver abscess; PPV, pars plana vitrectomy; VA, visual acuity.