Figure 9.
Evans blue leakage in the brain after intracardial injection of the dye. (a) Representative coronal sections displaying Evans blue leakage in all three genotypes of the Wpk rat. Arrows indicate blue dye leakage in the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles of a TMEM67−/− brain. The images are representative of n = 3 at each genotype. (b) Magnified image of Evans blue leakage in the cerebral cortex, from dashed rectangles shown in a. (c) Binary image of Evans blue positive pixels quantified in the cerebral cortex obtained from b. (d) Box plot exhibiting statistical analysis of Evans blue leakage along the vasculature of the cerebral cortex as exemplified on images in c. Note that Evans blue binds to albumin. Evans blue injection indicates a trend towards a dose-dependent increase of the dye extravasation in the cerebral vessels. Serial sections (n = 21–29) from three animals per genotype were used. AU, arbitrary unit. Asterisks denote *p < 0.05. Scale bars, 10 μm (a) and 1 mm (b). (e) Ionic composition of the CSF from TMEM67 rats: Bar graphs demonstrating an osmotic concentration in milliosmolar (mOsM) of sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl−), and potassium (K+) in the CSF of WT and TMEM67−/− rats, postnatal day 15–20. Each bar represents 6 determinations. In the case of the homozygous animals, each determination was from the CSF of a single individual. For the normal animals, CSF from 4–6 individuals was pooled to obtain sufficient material for each determination. Statistical significance from the left to the right. P = 0.0103 (CSF Na+); P = 0.0013 (CSF Cl−); P = 0.041 (CSF K+) by unpaired t test. Single and double asterisks denote p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively. Scale bars, 1 mm (a) and 500 μm (b).