Expression analysis of the SERK4 gene: (A) SERK4 expression levels in tested tissues. The ratios of SERK4 gene expression level in different tissues were calculated relative to the shoot. S, shoot; St. shoot tip; R, root; F, flower; YL, young leaf; SL, senescence leaf; (B) SERK4 gene expression changes under abiotic stress treatments. The ratios of SERK4 gene expression level under tested treatments were calculated relative to the untreated seedlings; (C) SERK4 gene expression in leaves at different developmental stages. The ratios of SERK4 gene expression level were calculated relative to the YL stage. YL, young leaf; NS, fully-expanded, non-senescent leaf; ES, early senescent leaf; LS, late senescent leaf; (D) SERK4 gene expression at different sections of a senescing leaf. The ratios of SERK4 gene expression level were calculated relative to the base section. B, base; M, middle; T, tip. In A, B, C and D, the expression data are means ± SD of three biological repeats. *** p < 0.001 (t-tests).