Postmortem neurochemical assessments in the F2 and F3 offspring. Levels of the excitatory amino acids glutamate (A,B) and aspartate (C,D), as well as the inhibitory amino acids including glycine (E,F), GABA (G,H), and taurine (I,J) were measured by postmortem HPLC in the F2 and F3 offspring. Amino acids were measured in the mPFC, d.Hippo, and v.Hippo and expressed as ng/mg tissue weight. N (F2 CTR) = (8 M, 8 F), N (F2 HFD) = (8 M, 9F), N (F3 CTR) = (8 M, 9F), N (F3 HFD) = (8 M, 8F). All values are means ± SEM. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.001; *** p < 0.0001. mPFC = medial prefrontal cortex, d.Hippo = dorsal hippocampus, v.Hippo = ventral hippocampus, HFD = high fat diet, CTR = control, F = female, M = male.